Fantasia Archive AlternativesNovel Authoring Tools and other similar apps like Fantasia Archive
Fantasia Archive is described as 'Free offline worldbuilding and story creation tool with dozens of templates, complex tagging options, document linking, and project-wide search. Template examples: characters, places, events, religions, currencies, magic, species, languages' and is a Novel Authoring tool in the news & books category. There are more than 10 alternatives to Fantasia Archive for a variety of platforms, including Mac, Web-based, Android, Windows and iPhone apps. The best Fantasia Archive alternative is Manuskript, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Fantasia Archive are Scrivener, Story Architect (STARC), Lore Forge and yWriter.
filter to find the best alternatives
Fantasia Archive alternatives are mainly Novel Authoring Tools but may also be World Building Games or Note-taking Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Fantasia Archive.- Novel Authoring Tool
- Free • Open Source
- 158 likes107 Manuskript alternatives
Manuskript is an open-source tool for writers, with outliner, character management, plot development, distraction-free editor, etc.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Snapcraft
- Flathub
- Flatpak
Top Manuskript Features
Manuskript VS Fantasia Archive
Is Manuskript a good alternative to Fantasia Archive? - 257 likes106 Scrivener alternatives
Tailored for extensive writing, this tool offers flexible structure and organization, integrates project outlines, supports various formats, and allows reorganization through drag and drop, ensuring research materials are within reach for efficient work.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- iPhone
- iPad
- PlayOnLinux - PlayOnMac
- Wine
Top Scrivener Features
Scrivener VS Fantasia Archive
Is Scrivener a good alternative to Fantasia Archive?Comments about Scrivener as an Alternative to Fantasia Archive
distantignitionFA is a tool for managing and connecting different components of a story. Scrivener is for writing the story. There is overlap, but they're too dissimilar. I use both constantly.
0 - 12 likes37 Story Architect (STARC) alternatives
A smooth yet powerful writing experience for devoted authors. With only wanted features and native workflow it runs faster than all your previous apps combined.
License model
- Freemium • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Chrome OS
- AppImageHub
- Flathub
- Android
Story Architect (STARC) VS Fantasia Archive
Is this a good alternative to Fantasia Archive? - 8 likes36 Lore Forge alternatives
The only app you'll need to write your novels and build your worlds. Organize your thoughts and cross-reference anything at any time.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Online
Lore Forge VS Fantasia Archive
Is Lore Forge a good alternative to Fantasia Archive? - 66 likes65 yWriter alternatives
yWriter is a writing tool that uses "scenes" as a unit of text and allows you to associate that text with all manner of story elements (characters, locations, items) as well as place it and rearrange it within the context of chapters.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Android
- Android Tablet
yWriter VS Fantasia Archive
Is yWriter a good alternative to Fantasia Archive? - 12 likes49 Story Planner for Writers alternatives
Story Planner is a focused, flexible app to outline all kind of stories. Used by writers, screenwriters, producers, directors and all kind of story tellers, Story Planner has quick and easy-to-use story organization, with sync on all your devices and export options to help you...
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- iPhone
- iPad
Story Planner for Writers VS Fantasia Archive
Is this a good alternative to Fantasia Archive? - 7 likes58 Campfire Write alternatives
Campfire provides a one-stop-shop for novelists: organizational and writing tools (Campfire Write), a hub of writing resources (Campfire Learn), & a writing and reading platform for building an audience and sharing your work (Campfire Explore).
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Windows
- Mac
- iPad
- Android Tablet
Campfire Write Features
Campfire Write VS Fantasia Archive
Is Campfire Write a good alternative to Fantasia Archive? - 7 likes24 World Scribe alternatives
World Scribe eases the creation process by letting you keep track of every important element in your fictional setting, including the ways in which they're connected.
World Scribe VS Fantasia Archive
Is World Scribe a good alternative to Fantasia Archive? - 8 likes47 Fortelling - Writer Tools alternatives
Fortelling provides the tools you need to plot & write your book.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Android
- iPhone
- iPad
- Web Browser
Fortelling - Writer Tools VS Fantasia Archive
Is this a good alternative to Fantasia Archive? - 7 likes32 Plottr alternatives
A visual story plotting tool that makes it simple to plan out your next novel. Drag and drop scenes, and plot lines. Keep all your notes in one place. It helps you to organize, simplify, and have more time for writing!.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Android
- iPhone
Top Plottr Features
Plottr VS Fantasia Archive
Is Plottr a good alternative to Fantasia Archive? - 6 likes21 Character Story Planner 2 alternatives
The new version of Character Story Planner, planning and building a story cannot be easier with the help with this app. It helps the writer to plan the building of character, relation, group, race, creature, etc with the new template system which let the user fill the...
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Android
- Android Tablet
Character Story Planner 2 Features
Character Story Planner 2 VS Fantasia Archive
Is this a good alternative to Fantasia Archive? - 3 likes62 Shy Editor alternatives
Shy Editor is an online text editor and writing environment that was designed for maximum writer productivity. It is used every day by novelists, non-fiction writers, students, academics, bloggers, content creators, journalists, and more.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
Shy Editor VS Fantasia Archive
Is Shy Editor a good alternative to Fantasia Archive?
Comments about Manuskript as an Alternative to Fantasia Archive
FA is a tool for managing and connecting different components of a story. Manuskript is for writing the story. There is overlap, but they're too dissimilar. For that overlap in features, FA wins out.