Droid4x is Android simulator, which is good in aspects of performance, user experience, compatibility and gaming controllability. Making millions of mobile games and apps as desktop experience.
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Comments and Reviews
Using Windows 10 x64. Recently reinstalled Bluestacks, but couldn't get it to work.
Looked for an alternative. This was awesome! What I like:
Only problem I ran into was signing into Google Play at first. I only restarted it, and it connected. If you run into problems, you may search Google too. Some suggest first removing your Google account from the settings, then re-logging in.
Tried Ganymotion. Ran into problems. Also needed Virtualbox to run. Turns out, Ganymotion doesn't work well, if at all, in Windows 10.
Almost tried Android x86, but that was over 400 GB! so I didn't.
[Edited by Shadouness, March 26]
This product has never worked for me. It commonly (for everyone) hangs at initialization, usually at around 80% or more, to which the solutions did not work for me. Sadly, I can't say anything else about this thing, because I can't use it beyond staring at the loading screen while it remains at a solid 80%
Crap just like the rest on the list of alternatives to bluestacks.
It's awful, the version is android 4.2.2 so you can not play all the games even small indie games. It needs to install an older Virtualbox version, not a good thing for anyone who has/needs virtualbox in a computer. Not much options, its just cpu, ram and screen size, nothing fancy. Also people are first confuse as to why it doesn't look like a google play store, well because it uses the very old version from android 4.2.2 and you need to restart to get the newer version that looks like in your phone. Since this is running on android 4.2.2 installing apk will not work either due to certain apps running only has far back has 4.4 or better.
Do not install droid4x until they make a 4.4 android version.
it crashes a lot, sometimes didnt load properly
[Edited by Shojimeguro, January 12]
Bluestacks : Loading... , Getting Started... , One moment please... , Please wait... , Loading Data... in like 2 hours. Droid4x: 80%, 81%, 95%, 99%.
.......tried Ganymotion and Andy before, I liked Andy way more than Ganymotion. Droid4X beats them! Nothing's perfect, it has flaws here and there but considering it's relatively new to the scene, I feel OK about it and don't really notice anything. No messups and no crash and I've been doing stuff with it!
Anyways, this is hands down the bes Android emulator. I had low expectations, but oh man, this is so much more than Andy. It just works great on my machine. Maybe I'm not the best person to give an opinion about whether a product is heavy or not(PC with 64GB RAM) but let me tell you, Andy sucked and it was heavy on my res, I felt it! This however just feels really comfortable to work on and if you have a U.I fetish like I do, you'll like it because... the UI's A.W.E.S.O.M.E!
About installation: Might take a while, up to 20 minutes on modern high speed networks, seems like the server is only giving max. 1mbit/s. Took me +-10 minutes to download. If your networks old, it might take ca. 20 minutes. Bear with it- totally worth it! I had so much frustration accumulated and this thingy is what I'll be using from now on. It took all my pain!
That's my 2 cents!
It doesn't install correctly (oddly it actually does, but throws false flags). When you try and uninstall it leaves a slew of garbage across the registry.
Unfortunately Bluestacks is still the easiest to use.