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Local or cloud development environment for web developers. Powered by Docker. But without the complexities of bespoke configuration.


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DDEV was added to AlternativeTo by bigbigboy on Mar 15, 2021 and this page was last updated Nov 1, 2023.

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Top positive commentNov 1, 2023

One big strength of DDEV is that it is legally controlled by a friendly NOT-for-profit organization called "The DDEV Foundation" :) Usually, NOT-FOR-profit organizations value people above money. For you, this means lower risk of future Lock-In.

In comparison, Lando and Docker4Drupal are legally controlled by FOR-profit organizations. Usually, FOR-profit organizations are at higher risk to value money above people :( Docksal's legal control intent is not yet know. Because it is neither controlled by a NOT-for profit nor a FOR-profit organization. :|

Below is the same suggestion as above. But with details if you're interested in those.

For those not familiar with "Lock-In". In my suggestion above, I mean, for the PRESENT, a product is attractive because it is WITHOUT Lock-In. But in the FUTURE, there is a significant risk that the real intent of the FOR-profit organization is to slowly and increasingly add Lock-Ins. Meaning a risk that, in the future, you could be dependent on the product. In turn, also in the future, difficult and costly for you to move from their Lock-In product to another product without Lock-In. After the number of users reach a set level, FOR-profit organizations, often under the constant and increasing pressure from secret financial investors, use "Lock-In" short term strategy to monetize their users for the profit of their secret stakeholders. Details at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vendor_lock-in

On the long term, the most successful products are most often those WITHOUT lock-in. Simply because the more lock-in an organization adds, the more users leave the product. In turn, without users, the product fades away and potentially risk being discontinued. Leaving you out dry with a no longer maintained product ;) In other words, by using a product controlled by FOR-profit organization, you risk exposing yourself to time-consuming and costly migration to another product.

Source legal control as of November 1st, 2023:

• DDEV is controlled by the NOT-FOR-profit organization "The DDEV Foundation". Source at https://ddev.com/foundation/

• Lando is controlled by the FOR-profit organization "Lando System, Inc.". Source at https://lando.dev/contact/

• Docksal is not controlled by an organization. This means that in the future, Docksal could be controlled by either a FOR-profit or a NOT-FOR-organization. The creator and main maintainer of Docksal is "Leonid Makarov". Source https://www.drupal.org/u/lmakarov

• Docker4Drupal is controlled by the FOR-profit organization "Wodby, Inc.". Source at https://wodby.com/about-us

I am not saying that all FOR-profit organizations value money above people and always end up trying to fool you into Lock-Ins. I am saying that, when a product is legally controlled by a FOR-profit organization, the risk of Lock-in is obviously higher. Before exposing yourself those this, I suggest considering your resistance to Lock-Ins stress and cost.

Also, I suggest to keep in mind that, some owners of organizations, in good faith, are not yet aware of the future risks associated with FOR-profit organizations and the future benefits associated with NOT-for-profit organization. This means that in the future, some organizations could potentially switch their legal controlled from FOR-profit organization to NOT-for-profit organization.

For example, at first, DDEV was controlled by a FOR-profit organization. Then, in 2023, DDEV wisely switched full control to their NOT-for-profit organization. Which significantly boosted their popularity.


What is DDEV?

DDEV is an open source tool for running local or cloud web development environments for PHP, Python and Node.js, ready in minutes. Its powerful, flexible per-project environment configurations can be extended, version controlled, and shared. DDEV allows development teams to adopt a consistent Docker workflow without the complexities of bespoke configuration.


• Modern Development Stack

___• PHP, Node.js, MySQL, PostgreSQL, nginx, Apache, Redis, MailHog, and more.

• Unlimited Projects

___• Run multiple projects at once. Start and stop each as needed.

• Multi-Platform

___• Supported and rigorously tested on macOS, Windows, and Linux.

• Custom Domains & SSL

___• Included router automatically handles custom domain names and HTTPS.

• App Ready

___• Presets for Laravel, WordPress, Drupal, TYPO3, Backdrop, Magento, Craft CMS and more.

• Great Performance

Always evolving to incorporate features and practices that maximize speed.

• Custom Deployments

___• Integrate with other providers and environments for fast, controlled deployment.

• Extensible

___• Painlessly use add-ons, run scripts in lifecycle hooks, and BYO Dockerfiles.

• Open Source

___• Apache 2.0 license; free to use, modify, and pass on to others.

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