Headwind Remote
Self hosted server for remote control of Android devices (Android 7 or above). The software is open source and runs on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 and above. No mobile device rooting or adb connection required.
License model
- Freemium • Open Source
Application types
- Linux
- Android
- Android Tablet
- Self-Hosted
- Screen Sharing
- Screen Mirroring
- Remote Support
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Headwind Remote information
What is Headwind Remote?
Access Android devices from a web browser (PC) and perform remote maintenance works. Headwind Remote is self-hosted, open source, and designed for business.
Headwind Remote uses native Android SDK for controlling the devices and screen mirroring, so it doesn't require any proprietary plugins, and can be used to access any mobile device running Android 7 or above, including AOSP, custom ROM, and non-Google-certified devices.
The remote access server is running on Ubuntu 16.04 and above. It can be run behind NAT or can even be used for the remote control of Android devices in a private network (LAN, VPN, private APN).