After Dark
After Dark is open source software you can use to build a secure website, blog or app. One command is all you need to start a new website.
License model
- Free • Open Source
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Privacy focused
- Command line interface
- Customizable
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What is After Dark?
Developer Focused: develop and publish websites cross-platform using a single codebase with just one dependency and capabilities designed to make you more productive.
Incredibly Fast: With 0.615s average builds and decisecond page loads you could conceivably develop and serve your content from an ODROID in space.
Privacy Aware: Develop your entire site without Internet connectivity and expose an ephemeral Web server with e2e encryption and real-time traffic inspection.
Securely Designed: Verify the authenticity of your installation using secure cryptographic hashes and use CSP, SRI and Referrer Policy to lock down your content.
Advanced Graphics: Add high-resolution, responsive images with low-quality image placeholders and engaging visual effects without even touching an image editor.
Easily Customized: Toggle between 1 of 8 customizable skin styles or disable them entirely and use custom layouts and styles to take complete design control.
Extended Builds: Create high-performance Hugo builds using Alpine Linux with Musl. Builds Hugo Extended binary with Sass support using Docker directly from source.