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Fotografix icon



In addition to being totally portable, Fotografix has a ridiculously small footprint. Its a 370Kb download and about 700Kb once extracted. Despite its size, most of the features I rely on in Photoshop are available.

Fotografix screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary

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  • Windows
5 / 5 Avg rating (1)
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  1.  Portable
  2.  Photo effects

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Fotografix information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    88 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Photos & Graphics

Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about Fotografix, and it has gotten 20 likes

Fotografix was added to AlternativeTo by krish on Apr 16, 2009 and this page was last updated Jan 27, 2021.

Comments and Reviews

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Jeff Witty
Top positive commentDec 9, 2020

I edited an 8k 24bit png (7.74mb), with a 344kb program (I UPX re-packed it) with ZERO issues.

limited format support, but tif, tga, raw, png, jpg, bmp, gif, & their own "layered project format: fgx"

Enough formats are their for some serious work.

UI is similar to, Krita & Gimp.

Lightning fast, even with a 10 layer 8K image open.

With the addition of .ora, .svg and .dds (even DXT BC1) formats to let it interoperate better and lessen the need for inter-operation (open/export of dds & svg in particular), it would be VERY feature full.


[Edited by aazard, December 09]

CommentJul 17, 2013

This seems to be a very new photo editing software. I like it, the User-Interface is nice but it's lack of features at the moment is holding it back. But then again it is new. It reminds me of photoshop but without the full features (yet) it is like in its BETA stage and I wrote feedback because they say our feedback with control what will be in the future versions. If you're looking to crop easily and change color, saturation, & exposure at the moment then go with this, its light and sexy.


What is Fotografix?

In addition to being totally portable, Fotografix has a ridiculously small footprint. Its a 370Kb download and about 700Kb once extracted. Despite its size, most of the features I rely on in Photoshop are available. Fotografix supports layers, masks, and scripting, comes with a few key blur and stylization filters, and type layers are editable (unlike some other editors where text is a one-shot deal).

The usual editing tools are also provided, like rectangular and elliptical marquees, magic wand, rubber stamp, eyedropper, and gradient tool.

Make every photo perfect

Crop and straighten your photos, adjust contrast and sharpness, enhance shadows and highlights – turn a good photo into an excellent one.

Compose rich designs

Use layers to combine text, pictures and patterns into exciting designs – editable text layers allow you to modify the text at any time.

Special effects for special occasions

Try something different – add the effect of motion blur, an embossed plate or diffused glass.

More features

Work with images in most popular formats, including Photoshop and GIMP files Use adjustment layers to apply image adjustments without destroying the original image Combine sequences of operations into scripts that can be reused easily