Chrome warns users to replace uBlock Origin before Manifest V2 extensions are disabled
Aug 6, 2024 at 5:39 PM

Chrome warns users to replace uBlock Origin before Manifest V2 extensions are disabled

Starting with Google Chrome 127, users will encounter a warning on the chrome://extensions/ page regarding uBlock Origin. This notice advises users to remove or replace the extension with other ad blockers before Google disables all Manifest v2 extensions in favor of Manifest v3. Since June 3, Google has been rolling out this kind of warnings for all Manifest V2 extensions, affecting ad blockers that rely on V2.

In response, Raymond Hill, the lead developer and maintainer of uBlock Origin, has developed a separate Manifest v3 version called uBlock Origin Lite. This version is a streamlined adaptation of the original, focusing on converting filter lists into a Manifest v3-compliant approach. While it aims for reliability and efficiency, it sacrifices many features that are not feasible within the Manifest v3 framework.

Users will need to switch to a new extension, choosing between uBlock Origin Lite or other Manifest v3 alternatives such as Ghostery or Adblock Plus.

Aug 6, 2024 by Danilo_Venom

jethro_tull found this interesting


CommentSep 1, 2024

Would rather switch to another browser such as Firefox. The main issue with uBlock Origin Lite (uBOL) is that it relies on the browser's built-in blocking capabilities, as mandated by Manifest V3. This means Google or other browser developers could potentially limit the effectiveness of ad blocking, giving them more control over what can or can't be blocked. Unlike the full uBlock Origin, which uses its own engine, uBOL's reliance on the browser makes it vulnerable to changes imposed by the browser developers.

CommentAug 6, 2024

Or... Use a browser that supports v2. I wonder if brave and kiwi will keep supporting it

3 replies

I read that Brave plans to keep v2, at least for the foreseeable future. How true that is or if it's still their plan, I don't know.

Reply written Aug 6, 2024

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I'm worried that even if Brave manages to keep V2 support, it won't matter. Google will remove those extensions from the store so they won't even be accessible anymore. People better hope their computer doesn't crash and they can somehow keep backup copies of these extensions. At some point they'll probably lose functionality anyway. This is a real shame since a lot of extensions I use daily just haven't been updated in years and are probably abandoned. Without a Brave Extension Store, might be time to finally go back to Firefox. I'd rather not, but I need this functionality.

Actually a lot of extensions can be replicated with userscripts, but my userscript manager (Violentmonkey) is warned by Chrome of being a V2 extension. Will userscript managers even be allowed in V3? That is an absolute push to Firefox if so. Or does Edge have an extension store? Will that be usable?

Reply written Aug 8, 2024

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Isn't Edge just another Chromium reskin, but with Micro$oft's spyware built in instead of Google's? Pretty much all of the extensions I use in Brave are available for Firefox. And lately for whatever reason, Firefox + uBlock Origin has been doing a better job fighting Youtube's ads than Brave's built-in ad blocker + uBlock Origin. At this point, the only thing Brave does better than Firefox is playing Youtube videos with less lag on my ancient Acer netbook.

Reply written Aug 8, 2024

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