Youtube-dl website has been taken down by Uberspace following court-ordered ban
The widely used video downloading tool, youtube-dl, has been blocked due to copyright infringement claims by major music labels Sony, Warner, and Universal, resulting in a ban by a German court. The hosting provider Uberspace was forced to take down the website yt-dl.org, making it inaccessible even via VPN, despite not hosting the open source software itself, but merely linking to it on GitHub.
Back in 2020, the open source community was outraged when RIAA, the Recording Industry Association of America, issued a takedown notice to GitHub over youtube-dl. GitHub initially complied, but later restored the youtube-dl repository and established a million-dollar defense fund for similar developer situations.
Despite the shutdown of yt-dl.org, the youtube-dl software remains available on GitHub, where it also has a dedicated website.