Streamlabs devs used OBS name and Lightstream web design without consent
Popular streaming program Streamlabs is facing criticism from multiple tool developers and streamers due to accusations of the company behind the software copying names, web design, and more.
Kicking off with a Tweet from the OBS Studio development team, the following was stated:
"Near the launch of SLOBS, @streamlabs reached out to us about using the OBS name. We kindly asked them not to. They did so anyway and followed up by filing a trademark
We’ve tried to sort this out in private and they have been uncooperative at every turn"
Additionally, Lightstream and Elgato both showed cases of the Streamlabs team ripping off their web design via Tweets.
In response to the cases brought against them, Streamlabs offered the following reply:
"We are taking immediate action to remove OBS from our name.
Streamlabs OBS is built on top of the OBS open-source platform; Streamlabs OBS is also open source, and our code is publicly available.
We take responsibility for our actions and will support the community."
Despite the delayed response and name change, popular streamers that use Streamlabs such as imane have stated that they will no longer use or represent the platform unless all of the issues brought to task by various other software makers are resolved.
Further coverage: Engadget Eurogamer The Verge Polygon Kotaku Dot Esports