VMware App Volumes
App Volumes is a portfolio of industry-leading application and user management solutions for Horizon, Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop, and RDSH virtual environments.
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- Paid • Proprietary
- Self-Hosted
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What is VMware App Volumes?
App Volumes delivers native applications to Horizon, Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp, and RSDH environments ondemand through VMDKs or VHDs, without modifying virtual desktops, application servers, or the applications. Because App Volumes enables the benefits of a persistent desktop on top of a non-persistent pool, significant storage and operational savings can be achieved. Published application environments benefit from reduced number of images managed by decoupling operating system images and applications using App Volumes, which also removes repetitive application maintenance tasks. Using App Volumes, user profile and policy can be dynamically assigned to users as they move from desktop to desktop or application to application. IT can also proactively monitor the health of their Horizon and Citrix environments.