Games Like TripleA Similar Turn Based Games like TripleA
TripleA is described as 'Free (under GPL) turn based strategy game based on Axis & Allies board game. A wide variety of map scenarios have been developed for TripleA (World War II, Punic Wars, Napoleonic wars, etc' and is a Turn Based game in the games category. There are more than 25 games similar to TripleA for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad and Mac apps. The best TripleA alternative is The Battle for Wesnoth, which is both free and Open Source. Other TripleA like games are FreeCiv, Freeciv for Android, Domination and Imperial Domination.
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TripleA alternatives are mainly Turn Based Games but may also be Historical Games or Racing Games. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of TripleA.- Turn Based Game
- Free • Open Source
- 5 likes11 Age of History alternatives
Age of History is a turn-based strategy game in which your object is to dominate the world.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Android
- iPhone
- Chrome OS
- iPad
Age of History Features
Age of History VS TripleA
Is Age of History a good alternative to TripleA? - 6 likes17 Great Little War Game alternatives
Great Little War Game is a 3D turn based strategy game from Rubicon.
Take charge of your army and defend your strongholds against enemy attack. Buy new equipment and troops to complete your campaigns, keep the Generalisimo safe! Battle across four different environment types spr.
Great Little War Game VS TripleA
Is this a good alternative to TripleA? - 4 likes18 Advanced Strategic Command alternatives
Advanced Strategic Command is a free, turn based strategy game. It is designed in the tradition of the Battle Isle series from Bluebyte. ASC can be played both against the AI and against other human players, using hotseat or PlayByMail.
Advanced Strategic Command VS TripleA
Is this a good alternative to TripleA? - 3 likes15 Ironfell 2 alternatives
Ironfell is a time travel themed massive multi-player online real time strategy game. Travel back in time to plunder resources from the past, re-build your empire and conquer the stars.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Online
Ironfell 2 Features
Ironfell 2 VS TripleA
Is Ironfell 2 a good alternative to TripleA? - 2 likes28 Warlight alternatives
WarLight is a customizable strategy game where players compete against their friends to conquer the world. It can be played for free at
Warlight VS TripleA
Is Warlight a good alternative to TripleA? - 4 likes16 European War alternatives
European War is a strategy game series based. Compete for territories, conquer enemies' capitals, and destroy the enemies. During the game you need to operate and distribute the three basic troops reasonably: soldiers, tanks and artillery.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- Windows Phone
- iPad
European War Features
European War VS TripleA
Is European War a good alternative to TripleA? - 3 likes18 World Conqueror 1945 alternatives
World Conqueror 1945 is a strategy game based on WWII (Super Risk). Compete for territories, conquer enemies' capitals, and destroy the enemies.
World Conqueror 1945 VS TripleA
Is World Conqueror 1945 a good alternative to TripleA? - 3 likes17 Atomic Tanks alternatives
Annihilate the other tanks to earn money, then spend it on bigger and better shields and weapons to wipe out the opposition. Features a wide array of weapons, AI players, destructible landscape, weather, parachutes, teleports and a wide range of other features.
Atomic Tanks VS TripleA
Is Atomic Tanks a good alternative to TripleA? - 1 like20 Landrule Strategy of War alternatives
Landrule is a turn-based strategy game. Similar to Age of Conquest and RISK .
Landrule Strategy of War VS TripleA
Is this a good alternative to TripleA? - 2 likes10 Neptune's Pride 2 alternatives
An online multi-player real-time game played over several weeks where players battle and negotiate to capture half of all the stars in the galaxy.
Neptune's Pride 2 VS TripleA
Is Neptune's Pride 2 a good alternative to TripleA? - 3 likes16 WebDiplomacy alternatives
webDiplomacy is a multiplayer, online version of Diplomacy, the popular turn based strategy game in which you battle to control Europe; to win you must be diplomatic and strategic.
WebDiplomacy VS TripleA
Is WebDiplomacy a good alternative to TripleA? - 1 like14 Gorilla 2: The Return alternatives
Remember the QBasic sample game, Gorilla? If not, I'll refresh your memory. It was the classic game that came along with QBasic where two gorillas fought to the death atop city buildings with explosive bananas!
Gorilla 2: The Return VS TripleA
Is this a good alternative to TripleA?