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Toon Boom Harmony icon

Toon Boom Harmony


Toon Boom Harmony Network is the industrial animation software for studios worldwide.

Toon Boom Harmony screenshot 1

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  1.  Automated Tweening
  2.  Keyframe Animation
  3.  3D Animation
  4.  Vector strokes

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Toon Boom Harmony information

  • Developed by

    Toon Boom
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase ranging between $390 and $2035, and / or subscription ranging between $24 and $112 per month.
  • Alternatives

    36 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Toon Boom Harmony was added to AlternativeTo by David on Nov 4, 2015 and this page was last updated Jun 21, 2024. Toon Boom Harmony is sometimes referred to as Harmony.
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What is Toon Boom Harmony?

Toon Boom Harmony Network is the industrial animation software for studios worldwide.

BRUSH ENGINE Brushes in Harmony are now better than ever for creative drawing. Draw with your own personal style.

PALETTES AND PAINTING See how Harmony provides total control over texture and colour on every frame. Colour your world.

TRADITIONAL PAPERLESS ANIMATION Harmony is built from the ground up for animation. See why it’s the go-to tool for animators working in any style.

DEFORMERS Deformers are one of the “secret weapons” in Harmony, providing so much animation control it’s almost like cheating.

2D/3D INTEGRATION 2D or 3D - it’s all animation. Explore how cameras and 3D objects are combined in a multiplane environment to add depth.

OPENFX SUPPORT Use OpenFX plugins to access an entire world of effects from spiralling warps to realistic lightning with dynamic feedback right inside of Harmony.

LIGHT SHADING 2D doesn’t have to mean flat. Light shading lets you tap a new dimension to add more character to your drawings. You gotta see this Harmony-exclusive feature.

BUILT-IN COMPOSITING This is where hand-crafted meets automation. A built-in compositor lets you create extreme cut-out rigs and wire up all sorts of wonderfulness.

PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY Harmony is packed with real-world, day-in, day-out, gotta get-it-done, go-to tools for animation. Be wicked fast and keep the focus on the art.

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