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TheXTech - it's a platform game engine written in C++, is a full port of source code of SMBX 1.3 (Super Mario Bros. X fangame) which was originally written in Visual Basic 6. Created by Vitaly Novichkov (known as "Wohlstand") after one month since original SMBX...

Super Mario Bros. X title screen running on TheXTech

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Online  Experimental
  • Android  Requires downloading assets - [](
  • Haiku  Need to build from the source code manually: [](
  • Emscripten
5 / 5 Avg rating (1)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Portable
  2.  Local multiplayer
  3.  Single player
  4.  Ad-free
  5.  Works Offline
  6.  Level editor

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  •  311 Stars
  •  29 Forks
  •  217 Open Issues
  •   Updated Feb 7, 2025 
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Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about TheXTech, and it has gotten 2 likes

TheXTech was added to AlternativeTo by Ja H on Dec 22, 2020 and this page was last updated Oct 10, 2023.

Comments and Reviews

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Ja H
Top positive commentDec 22, 2020

This is basically Super Mario Bros. X, but it's free/libre/open source and has a native GNU+Linux port.

1 reply
Vitaly Novichkov

TheXTech is the engine for the "Super Mario Bros. X" game, it just named in a unique way, not just the "SMBX Engine", in the same manner as the "Id Tech" name for the Doom engine. Etymology: "The ~~Super Mario Bros.~~ X Tech". Just remove Nintendo's trademark, add "The" article at begin, add "Tech" at the end.

Reply written Feb 8, 2021

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What is TheXTech?

TheXTech - it's a platform game engine written in C++, is a full port of source code of SMBX 1.3 (Super Mario Bros. X fangame) which was originally written in Visual Basic 6. Created by Vitaly Novichkov (known as "Wohlstand") after one month since original SMBX source code was been released for two purposes: providing a free and open-source, cross-platform and accurate implementation of the SMBX Engine to allow playing of old levels and episodes, created for an original game, with the same behavior as the original game had; get a more convenient research model for a Moondust Engine development.

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