The Open Endpoint Manager is a solution that provides a full suite of Windows management capabilities as well as computer imaging, computer inventory, custom asset management, and reporting. Theopenem is an on-premises solution, all servers and data remain within your organization. In terms of features and capabilities, it resembles products such as SCCM, PDQ, Desktop Central, KACE, and the list goes on. For a full list of features, check out
Like many software applications, Theopenem consists of a Server side application and a Client side application. The Server side application ("Toems") was developed using C# and the .NET framework. This enables easy installation on Windows Servers with IIS. Toems consists of three separate Web Applications that scale to meet the needs of any size organization. By separating the Server components into 3 Web Applications, this provides maximum flexibility and security by only exposing the required components to the correct people or endpoints. The Client agent application ("Toec") is a Windows Service that is installed on each endpoint you wish to manage. The agent is available in both 32 and 64 bit MSI format to enable simple deployment using GPO, cmd line install, or any other deployment application that supports MSI's. The use of an endpoint agent, gives the greatest amount of control and reporting over the endpoints without the need to enable SMB shares or ADMIN shares. All communication b/w the client and server use the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. After Theopenem Servers and Endpoints are installed and configured, they will check-in with the Server on a predefined customizable schedule (60 minutes by default). Upon check-in, the server will return any policies that are applicable to the Endpoint at that moment. The client will run the policies and then check-in with the server in another 60 minutes to see if any new policies have been added. Therefore an endpoint is constantly looking for policies to run on an interval schedule defined by the server. If a policy needs to run immediately, A Theopenem administrator can force the endpoints to check-in at any time, instead of waiting for the next check-in interval to elapse.