TekDT USB Creator is an automatic Windows installation USB/Hard drive creation free software. Help you install Windows for your computer as quickly, simply and as easily as possible.
Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about TekDT USB Creator, and it has gotten 0 likes
TekDT USB Creator was added to AlternativeTo by TekDT Nguyen on Feb 21, 2023 and this page was last updated Feb 21, 2023.
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Top negative comment •Sep 6, 2024
Cannot be used for Linux ISO
What is TekDT USB Creator?
Optionally choose each integrated win installer, diversifying products, suitable for each customer's needs.
Supports Windows 7, 10 and 11 both 32Bit and 64Bit architectures.
Support installing windows installers on hard drives without USB.
Select Windows version on each installer.
Displays the total capacity of the installers compared to the capacity of the USB, for easy selection of the USB with the appropriate capacity.
The installers are all original ISO files, which can be downloaded directly from Microsoft without modifying any components, even 1 bit (md5 code can be compared with the original file from Microsoft). If the installer is lost or the installer is corrupted, you can download it from the Microsoft homepage or the download link from TekDT or any other installer you have.
Supports both Legacy and UEFI boot standards.
Fill up the USB, to avoid the virus changing the data inside the USB, causing boot loss.
Rename the USB after the installation is complete to personalize the brand.
Eject USB once done.
Change the boot screen wallpaper to increase brand recognition.
Create a trial license for the customer (if this feature is enabled, the USB will still be created normally, but will not install the software automatically after installing win).
Integrity check, to limit errors. Avoid errors during the USB creation process, but it will take a little longer.
Download the installer automatically if the installer is not available.
Automatically update to the latest version.
The system calculates the USB capacity after it is successfully created, helping users to choose the appropriate USB capacity.
Support creating Boot right on the hard drive, without USB (Only NTFS formatted hard drives are supported and do not coincide with the current operating system installation drive).
Save the configuration automatically for the next use.
Custom configuration of software that needs to be installed after installing windows, with more than 40 necessary software selected by TekDT from the Automatic Software Installer.
=> English website: Click on US flag at the top menu
Comments and Reviews
Cannot be used for Linux ISO