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SysTools OST Recovery icon

SysTools OST Recovery

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OST to PST Converter Software helps to repair and recover crucial data from damaged OST files easily and allows users to perform multiple OST to PST/ EML or MSG mailbox conversion without facing any glitches.

Initial Screen of SysTools OST Recovery Software, Start off by adding the corrupt ost file to be recovered or to be converted into pst/msg or eml

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  • Windows
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SysTools OST Recovery information

  • Developed by

    SysTools Software
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Alternatives

    47 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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SysTools OST Recovery was added to AlternativeTo by systoolsoftware on Jul 2, 2014 and this page was last updated Nov 27, 2014.
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What is SysTools OST Recovery?

OST to PST Converter Software helps to repair and recover crucial data from damaged OST files easily and allows users to perform multiple OST to PST/ EML or MSG mailbox conversion without facing any glitches. Users can preview their mailbox data and use special mail filters to include specific items such as Calendars, Contacts, Journals, Tasks & Emails during conversion. It even provides an option to split PST file into multiple parts to manage heavy mailbox data.