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Symantec Messaging Gateway icon

Symantec Messaging Gateway

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Anti-spam gateway blocks more than 99% of spam with less than one in 1 million false positives and real-time automatic updates.

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  • Windows
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  1.  Spam Filter
  2.  Phishing

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Symantec Messaging Gateway information

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Alternatives

    8 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Symantec Messaging Gateway was added to AlternativeTo by sdrawkcab on Jan 23, 2015 and this page was last updated Jan 27, 2015.
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What is Symantec Messaging Gateway?

Anti-spam gateway blocks more than 99% of spam with less than one in 1 million false positives and real-time automatic updates. Antispam filtering engine powered by Brightmail - a set of technologies that identify email borne threats based on reputation on both the global and local level. Strong data loss prevention capabilities ensure customers stay in regulatory compliance. Customer- Specific Rules allow customers to easily create rules based on email they consider to be spam or on potentially targeted attacks. Optional encryption integration with Symantec Content Encryption or Symantec Gateway Email Encryption. Key Benefits Protects sensitive client data and valuable confidential information, with the ability to fingerprint and identify actual company data within messages or attachments. Protects company reputation and manages risks associated with data loss, internal governance, and regulatory compliance. Optional Symantec Content Encryption subscription integrates email encryption into Messaging Gateway console, leveraging powerful built-in spam filtering and data loss prevention policies. Includes a dashboard, summary reports, and detailed reports demonstrating the efficacy and impact of anti-spam gateway while proactively highlighting threat trends and potential compliance issues. Reduces administrative costs by removing the complexity of multiple consoles, disparate policies, and incompatible logging and reporting, while demonstrating efficacy and impact of messaging security. Flexible, configurable, easy-to-use Messaging Gateway Virtual Edition runs on VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisors in the hardware environment of the customer’s choosing. Targeted Attack Protection: Disarm, a proprietary Symantec technology, helps protect against targeted attacks and zero day malware by removing exploitable content from Microsoft Office and PDF attachments.