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MailScanner icon



MailScanner is a open source email security system design for Linux-based email gateways. It is used at over 30,000 sites around the world, protecting top government departments, commercial corporations and educational institutions.

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Linux
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  1.  Mail Filtering
  2.  Spam Filter
  3.  Phishing

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MailScanner information

  • Developed by

    Mailborder Systems
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    9 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Security & Privacy

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MailScanner was added to AlternativeTo by sdrawkcab on Aug 22, 2015 and this page was last updated Aug 22, 2015.
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What is MailScanner?

MailScanner scans email for viruses, spam, phishing, malware, and other attacks against security vulnerabilities and plays a major part in the security of a network. By virtue of being open source, the technology in MailScanner has been reviewed many times over by some of the best and brightest in the field of computer security from around the world. MailScanner supports a wide range of MTAs and virus scanners to include the popular open source Clam AV. Spam detection is accomplished via SpamAssassin, which is by far the most popular and standardized spam detection engine.

Note: There is not a native UI, however a UI (Mailborder) can be installed to accompany the engine. Mailborder is a web-based GUI that provides complete installation and configuration of MailScanner for single node and clustered installations. Mailborder provides a free Community Edition, a Small Business Edition, and an Enterprise Edition with premium support and extended capabilities, such as a customer portal. Mailborder is maintained by Jerry Benton, the lead developer of the MailScanner project.