Storybook to Figma.
Generate and sync full Figma components from your code.
Connect your stories to Figma in 3 steps
100+ components to create in Figma? Thousands of variants to maintain? does it for you.
- Connect your Storybook, Backlight or Histoire
- Select components and variants
- Generate components in Figma
Keep Figma in sync with Storybook, no maintenance required.
Want to update hundreds of variants with the latest changes? brings all code updates from Storybook to Figma in a click.
- Quick updates: Get notified any time the code changes in Storybook and update your Figma designs in a click.
- Visual reviews: Review updates visually before bringing them from Storybook to Figma, for design and code that's always aligned.
Features our users love:
- Generate quality Figma layers with auto-layout: generates high-fidelity Figma layers with auto-layout, whenever possible.
- Import nested components: automatically detects and links nested-components for you. Your UI kit has never been so complete.
- Enhance Figma's Dev Mode: provides code snippets for the components used in designs, complete with all properties and attributes to use in your app.
- Simulate states: Simulate your components' pseudo-states automatically: hover, tap, active and focus.
- Multi-brand support: supports Storybook "globals" to select themes. Import multiple brands as different variants, components or in different Figma files.
- Responsive components: can capture components in different viewports. Breakpoints are configurable, too.
- Iterate with Local mode: Connect to your local Storybook with Local mode for fast iterations of your components.
- Works with any story framework: HTML/CSS, React, Vue, Angular, Svelte, Stencil, Lit... If you have stories, it works.