Stack Overflow AlternativesTop Q&A Services and other similar apps like Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow is described as 'Part of Stack Exchange, is a free, community-driven, reputation-based Q & A site for computer programmers. No membership is required to ask questions or provide answers to questions by others' and is a very popular Q&A service in the education & reference category. There are more than 25 alternatives to Stack Overflow for a variety of platforms, including Web-based, Self-Hosted, Android, Android Tablet and Linux apps. The best Stack Overflow alternative is Quora, which is free. Other great apps like Stack Overflow are Codidact, Scoold, TopAnswers and Question2Answer.
filter to find the best alternatives
Stack Overflow alternatives are mainly Q&A Services but may also be Social Networks or Team Collaboration Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Stack Overflow.- Q&A Service
- Free Personal • Proprietary
- 255 likes80 Quora alternatives
People come to Quora to ask questions about any subject, read high quality knowledge that's personalized and relevant to them, and share their own knowledge with others. Quora is a place to share knowledge and better understand the world.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
Quora Features
Quora VS Stack Overflow
Is Quora a good alternative to Stack Overflow? - 25 likes15 Codidact alternatives
Ever had a question? Ever had an answer? Ever had knowledge to share? We believe that coming together to inquire and learn, to share knowledge and to teach each other, makes the world a better place. We also believe that Q&A communities should be free from the politics and...
Top Codidact Features
Codidact VS Stack Overflow
Is Codidact a good alternative to Stack Overflow?Comments about Codidact as an Alternative to Stack Overflow
dataculiOther than Quora, it's like the only one on this list that actually plays the same role Stack Overflow plays. It's a reputation-based question and answer site (or collection of sites/communities) organized around a central topic
0cellioCodidact implements features that are impossible on Stack Overflow, based on what the community needs. The community is central on Codidact and the platform is open-source, so you can use Codidact's network or set up your own if you want to run things differently.
0 - 16 likes21 Scoold alternatives
Scoold is inspired by StackOverflow and implements most of its features. You can ask and answer questions, upvote and downvote posts, earn badges and reputation. Each edit creates an new revision, making it easy to follow the history of edits. Scoold is optimized for the cloud.
Scoold VS Stack Overflow
Is Scoold a good alternative to Stack Overflow?Comments about Scoold as an Alternative to Stack Overflow
you have to download it...
-1 - 5 likes13 TopAnswers alternatives
TopAnswers is what Stack Overflow should be: focused on communities and knowledge sharing, not profit. We share some of the same aims:
TopAnswers VS Stack Overflow
Is TopAnswers a good alternative to Stack Overflow?Comments about TopAnswers as an Alternative to Stack Overflow
dataculiSimilar to Codidact in that they directly aim to be an alternative to Stack Exchange. Unlike Codidact, it's mostly restricted to tech topics. Good alternative
0 - 29 likes20 Question2Answer alternatives
A Q&A site helps an online community to share knowledge. No matter what your area of interest, people with questions can get super answers fast. Question2Answer is a popular Q&A solution.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Online
- MySQL Community Edition
- Self-Hosted
Question2Answer VS Stack Overflow
Is Question2Answer a good alternative to Stack Overflow?Comments about Question2Answer as an Alternative to Stack Overflow
thats the best alternative... and you can freely install this system on your web
-1 - 6 likes57 GeeksforGeeks alternatives
A Computer Science portal for geeks. It contains well written, well thought and well-explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions.
GeeksforGeeks VS Stack Overflow
Is GeeksforGeeks a good alternative to Stack Overflow? - 1 like3 AnonymousOverflow alternatives
AnonymousOverflow allows you to view StackOverflow threads without the cluttered interface and exposing your IP address, browsing habits and other browser fingerprint data to StackOverflow.
AnonymousOverflow VS Stack Overflow
Is AnonymousOverflow a good alternative to Stack Overflow? - 3 likes4 Talkyard alternatives
Help each other — with the main features from StackOverflow, Discourse, Slack, Reddit, and Disqus.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Self-Hosted
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
Talkyard VS Stack Overflow
Is Talkyard a good alternative to Stack Overflow? - 8 likes49 AllAnswered alternatives
AllAnswered provides an all-in-one knowledge management system including an advanced Wiki and Questions & Answers (Q&As) with built-in workflow and knowledge life-cycle management to keep your knowledge base up-to-date.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Chrome OS
- Android Tablet
- Windows Phone
- iPad
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
AllAnswered Features
AllAnswered VS Stack Overflow
Is AllAnswered a good alternative to Stack Overflow? - 3 likes13 Askalot alternatives
Askalot is a next generation CQA (Community Question and Answer) system.
Askalot VS Stack Overflow
Is Askalot a good alternative to Stack Overflow?
Comments about Quora as an Alternative to Stack Overflow
Because you NEED an account to use the site.
Quora is a general Q&A site whereas StackOverflow is specifically for questions related to programming, system administration and software development
Largest moderation and user community (as of Sept 2019)