Solid Explorer icon
Solid Explorer icon

Solid Explorer


Solid Explorer is the best looking file and cloud manager with two independent panels, which brings to you a new file browsing experience.

Solid Explorer screenshot 1

License model

  • FreemiumProprietary

Application types


  • Android  14 day trial version
4.6 / 5 Avg rating (5)
0 news articles


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  1.  Customizable


  1.  Material design
  2.  Network Folders
  3.  Support for SFTP
  4.  Built-in themes
  5.  Supports RAR files
  6.  Supports Zip files
  7.  Extensible by Plugins/Extensions
  8.  Dark Mode
  9.  Built-in viewer
  10.  Support for Samba
  11.  File Archiving
  12.  Computation and verification of hashes
  13. Box icon integration
  14.  SHA256
  15. Dropbox icon  Dropbox integration
  16.  Checksums verification
  17. Google Drive icon  Google Drive integration
  18.  Indexed search
  19.  MD5 signature
  20.  Web file manager
  21.  Root explorer
  22.  File Search

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Solid Explorer information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Freemium product.
  • Pricing

    free version with limited functionality.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.6
  • Alternatives

    60 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 4 comments and reviews about Solid Explorer, and it has gotten 78 likes

Solid Explorer was added to AlternativeTo by sublinhado on Jul 23, 2012 and this page was last updated Jan 6, 2025.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentFeb 19, 2021

It is my one-stop solution for my file management requirements.

Positive commentFeb 4, 2020



I’ve been using for years to management of my files, copying and moving files in order (Teracopy’s function), syncinc files, backing up my files to external disk in easy and reliable mehtod (for me), with FTP Client i can transfer files with my Android Phone which app that provides FTP server feature and syncing my files over FTP with-out cable, with Wi-fi, batch file – folder renaming… Best in class. May need some settings to take shape of how you want…

FREE ALTERNATIVE: Free Commander. Almost can everything that TC’s handle.


A File Manager that includes FTP server feature and a app that handle alomost everything which other apps handle. I meet this app with very late because it was NOT in Google Play. It’s paid but in XDA Developers it’s free as APK. Alternative: Solid Explorer also fine but it i’m in more comfort with MixPlorer.

WINDOWS: TOTAL COMMANDER Senelerdir dosyalarimi düzenlemek, sirali sekilde tasimak – kopyalama isleminin idaresini saglamak (Teracopy’nin özelligi), dosya senkronizasyonu ve yedeklerimi en zahmetsiz ve en sorunsuz sekilde alabilmek harici diske almak, FTP istemcisi sayesinde FTP sunucusu seklindeki Android cihazimi senkronize etmek ve dosya alisverisi yapabilmek Wi-Fi üzerinden, toplu dosya ve klasör isimlendirmek için kullaniyorum. Alaninda bence en iyisi. Programi yükledikten sonra ayarlar menüsünü biraz kurcalamaniz faydaniza olacaktir. Ücretsiz Windows Alternatifi: FreeCommander. Neredeyse tamamen ayni isleri yapabiliyor.


Son zamanlarda kesfettigim, yaklasik bir senedir kullandigim ama Google Play’de olmadigi zamanlarda XDA Develepors’da var olan, epey eski bir program ve epey islevsel. Android için en iyisi diyebilirim. FTP sunucusu özelligi benim için hayati deger tasiyor dosya transferi için. Google Play’de ücretli, XDA Developers’ta ücretsiz. Alternatif: Solid Explorer. Ama MixPlorer varken gerekli mi bilmiyorum.

Positive commentApr 28, 2019

Everything works as expected and very easy to use interface! Well spend €2,00

Positive commentOct 2, 2018

Customizable and clear ui. Easy to use for local and most network and cloud shares eg ftp, smb, sftp etc and amazon/ drives.


What is Solid Explorer?

Solid Explorer is the best looking file and cloud manager with two independent panels, which brings to you a new file browsing experience.

This is the only fully featured file manager with Material Design you can find in the Play Store. It's better, faster and solid when compared to the competition. Apart from the ability to manage files in almost every location, it also gives you many customization options, such as themes, icon sets and color schemes. You can freely adjust the interface to match your taste. Dual pane file browsing with drag and drop greatly increases your productivity.


  • Material Design!
  • Two independent panels serving as file browsers
  • Rich customization options: icons sets, color schemes, themes
  • Drag and Drop inside and between panels
  • FTP, SFTP, WebDav, SMB/CIFS clients
  • Ability to read and extract ZIP, 7ZIP, RAR and TAR archives, even encrypted
  • Ability to create password protected ZIP and 7ZIP archives
  • Cloud file manager: Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive, Sugarsync, Copy, Mediafire, Owncloud, Yandex
  • Root access makes Solid Explorer a fully functional root explorer
  • Extensibility: more features in separate plugins available in Google Play
  • Indexed search finds your files in a couple of seconds
  • Detailed file information with storage usage statistics
  • Batch rename: change names of multiple files at once using regular expressions and variables
  • Useful tools: hiding unwanted folders, FTP Server (plugin), bookmarks, Chromecast support, media browser

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