Smart DNS Proxy icon
Smart DNS Proxy icon

Smart DNS Proxy


Smart DNS Proxy provides access to Global Media. It allows you to watch any TV channels and TV Shows as well as Movies from anywhere in the world. The Video streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, ABC, NBC, HBO Go, BBC iPlayer, iTV, uTV, 4onDemand, Digiturk Web TV and many more...

Smart DNS Proxy screenshot 1
Smart DNS Proxy screenshot 2
Smart DNS Proxy screenshot 3

License model

Application type


  • Online
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Mac
  • Android Tablet
  • iPad
5 / 5 Avg rating (1)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  OpenVPN
  2.  Dark Mode
  3.  Bypass Censorship
  4.  DNS Proxy
  5.  Smart DNS
  6.  L2TP
  7.  Encrypted Connection

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Smart DNS Proxy information

  • Developed by

    Global Stealth, Inc.
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase (perpetual license) that costs $0.
  • Alternatives

    54 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Categories

Security & PrivacyNetwork & Admin

Apple AppStore

  •   Updated Nov 15, 2022
  •   2.96 avg rating

Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about Smart DNS Proxy, and it has gotten 8 likes

Smart DNS Proxy was added to AlternativeTo by mertdeniz on Jun 11, 2014 and this page was last updated Sep 2, 2024.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentJan 5, 2019

For use when not in the country and the use of streaming services, there's not anything that I've found to be better. The way it works gives you the full available bandwidth of your ISP for the streaming without the lag of routing all packets through another server.

CommentJul 31, 2014

Great article . The DNS option is better than using a VPN regarding content streaming because you can achieve direct connection with the media station ex. Netflix and avoid the “middle-man”. Personally, I am using UnoTelly which is similar to SmartDNS Proxy. Perhaps you should check UnoTelly as well if you haven’t done so.


What is Smart DNS Proxy?

Smart DNS Proxy provides access to Global Media. It allows you to watch any TV channels and TV Shows as well as Movies from anywhere in the world. The Video streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, ABC, NBC, HBO Go, BBC iPlayer, iTV, uTV, 4onDemand, Digiturk Web TV and many more can be reached. Also music streaming services like Pandora, Spotify, Mog, Songza, Rdio, LastFM and many more can be unblocked with Smart DNS proxy.

Smart DNS' unique proxy technology allows you to stream with High Definition from the online streaming services.

Smart DNS Proxy supports almost any device; PC, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android devices, Gaming Consoles like Playstation, Wii, Xbox, Blue-ray/DVD players and many smart TV models.

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