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ShaderMap creates rendering textures such as normal maps, ambient occlusion, albedo, displacement, metalness, and roughness. Select a mode and source type then load the source file - ShaderMap will create a project generating maps from the source. It's that easy.

PBR Material Generation and Visualization

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  • Windows
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ShaderMap information

  • Developed by

    Rendering Systems Inc.
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase (perpetual license) that costs $0.
  • Alternatives

    13 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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ShaderMap was added to AlternativeTo by RemovedUser on Jan 13, 2014 and this page was last updated Aug 22, 2018. ShaderMap is sometimes referred to as Insane Bump, InsaneBump.
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What is ShaderMap?

ShaderMap creates rendering textures such as normal maps, ambient occlusion, albedo, displacement, metalness, and roughness. Select a mode and source type then load the source file - ShaderMap will create a project generating maps from the source. It's that easy. Free and Commercial versions.

High quality rendering maps generated quickly and accurately. ShaderMap takes full advantage of multi-core systems to produce sharp and detailed maps

Export LUA scripts for any project. Control batch scripting of multiple source files, map rendering, setup lighting and more with the LUA API.

Light Scan Support - Photograph an object lit from up to 64 different angles. Load the images into a Light Scan node, ShaderMap generates rendering maps from the scanned object!

Paint normals and displacement to the SM4 layer system. Transform, scale, paint, and use tools to modify normal vectors with the Normal Editor.

Use the Filter Tab to add additional filters to any Map. Auto Edge, Brightness, Contrast, Blur, High Pass, Shadow, Highlight and more.

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