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Enter word or phrase: hello
Found 13 items, similar to hello.
-->Universal (En-Uk)
I [h?'l??,he-]
= hallo; a
II = hello
-->OxfordDictionary (En-En)
1. (also hallo or hullo)
exclamation used as a greeting or to begin a telephone conversation
hello there, Katie!
¦ Brit. used to express surprise
hello, what's all this then?
¦ used as a cry to attract someone's attention
‘Hello below!’ he cried
¦ used informally to express sarcasm or anger
Hello! Did you even get what the play was about?
2. (also hallo or hullo)
noun (pl. hellos) an utterance of ‘hello’; a greeting
3. (also hallo or hullo)
verb (helloes, helloing, helloed) [no obj.] say or shout ‘hello’
late 19th cent.: variant of earlier hollo; related to holla
-->CollinsCobuild (En-En)
also hallo, hullo
1) CONVENTION (formulae) You say `Hello' to someone when you meet them.
Hello, Trish. I won't shake hands, because I'm filthy...
Do you want to pop your head in and say hallo to my girlfriend?
Hello is also a noun. The salesperson greeted me with a warm hello.
2) CONVENTION (formulae) You say `Hello' to someone at the beginning of a telephone conversation, either when you answer the phone or before you give your name or say why you are phoning.
A moment later, Cohen picked up the phone. `Hello?'...
Hallo, may I speak to Frank, please.
3) CONVENTION You can call `hello' to attract someone's attention.
She could see the open door of a departmental office. `Hello! Excuse me. This is the department of French, isn't it?'...
Very softly, she called out: `Hallo? Who's there?'
-->HoverDictionary (En-Ru)
['he'l?u]????. hello.wav / ????. 6019.wav
??????, ????
-->LingvoUniversal (En-Ru)
['he'l?u] ????. hello.wav / ????. 6019.wav
1. ????. ; = hallo, hullo
1) ????!
2) ??????!
2. ???.; ??. hellos; = hallo, hullo
???????????; ?????????????? ???????, ?????; ???????????, ?????????
3. ??. ; = hallo, hullo
?) ???????????
?) ??????????????; ?????, ????????
greet, salute
-->Learning (En-Ru)
[h?'l?u] hello.wav
interj; n
1) ???'?????????, ????'??
hello, James! How are you? — ????'??, ??????! ??? ???'??
to say hello to smb — ????'??????? ? ???-?., ????'?????????? ???'?-?.
2) ???'?; ??'???? (? ?????? ??????????? ?????????): hello! - Hello, who's speaking, please? ???'?! - ??'????, ??? ?????'???
-->Combinatory (En-Ru)
[he'l??? hel??]
????????????! , ??????
-->Computers (En-Ru)
= Hello packet
-->Advanced English-Spanish VOX (En-Es)
? interjection
1 ¡hola!
2 (on telephone - answering) ¡diga!; (- calling) ¡oiga!
3 (to get somebody's attention) ¡oiga!, ¡oye!
4 (expressing surprise) ¡vaya!
¦ hello, hello, hello! What's going on here? ¡vaya, vaya, vaya! ¿Qué pasa aquí?
-->Concise Oxford English Dictionary