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sdcv is a simple, cross-platform, text-based utility for working with dictionaries in StarDict format.

Name mean StarDictConsoleVersion.

Output for "life"

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  • FreeOpen Source

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  • Linux
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  1.  Lightweight


  1.  Works Offline
  2.  Ad-free
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  4.  Command line interface
  5.  No registration required
  6.  Portable
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sdcv information

  • Developed by

    Evgeniy Dushistov
  • Licensing

    Open Source (GPL-2.0) and Free product.
  • Written in

  • Alternatives

    9 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English
    • Russian
    • Chinese
    • German
    • French

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Education & ReferenceOS & Utilities

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  •  41 Open Issues
  •   Updated Aug 15, 2024 
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Output example:

$ sdcv Enter word or phrase: hello Found 13 items, similar to hello. -->Universal (En-Uk) -->hello hello.wav I [h?'l??,he-] = hallo; a I, II II = hello -->OxfordDictionary (En-En) -->hello 1. (also hallo or hullo) exclamation used as a greeting or to begin a telephone conversation hello there, Katie! ¦ Brit. used to express surprise hello, what's all this then? ¦ used as a cry to attract someone's attention ‘Hello below!’ he cried ¦ used informally to express sarcasm or anger Hello! Did you even get what the play was about? 2. (also hallo or hullo) noun (pl. hellos) an utterance of ‘hello’; a greeting 3. (also hallo or hullo) verb (helloes, helloing, helloed) [no obj.] say or shout ‘hello’ Origin: late 19th cent.: variant of earlier hollo; related to holla -->CollinsCobuild (En-En) -->hello [helo??] ??? hellos also hallo, hullo 1) CONVENTION (formulae) You say `Hello' to someone when you meet them. Hello, Trish. I won't shake hands, because I'm filthy... Do you want to pop your head in and say hallo to my girlfriend? N-COUNT Hello is also a noun. The salesperson greeted me with a warm hello. 2) CONVENTION (formulae) You say `Hello' to someone at the beginning of a telephone conversation, either when you answer the phone or before you give your name or say why you are phoning. A moment later, Cohen picked up the phone. `Hello?'... Hallo, may I speak to Frank, please. 3) CONVENTION You can call `hello' to attract someone's attention. She could see the open door of a departmental office. `Hello! Excuse me. This is the department of French, isn't it?'... Very softly, she called out: `Hallo? Who's there?' -->HoverDictionary (En-Ru) -->hello ['he'l?u]????. hello.wav / ????. 6019.wav ??????, ???? -->LingvoUniversal (En-Ru) -->hello ['he'l?u] ????. hello.wav / ????. 6019.wav 1. ????. ; = hallo, hullo 1) ????! 2) ??????! 2. ???.; ??. hellos; = hallo, hullo ???????????; ?????????????? ???????, ?????; ???????????, ????????? 3. ??. ; = hallo, hullo ?) ??????????? ?) ??????????????; ?????, ???????? Syn: greet, salute -->Learning (En-Ru) -->hello [h?'l?u] hello.wav interj; n 1) ???'?????????, ????'?? hello, James! How are you? — ????'??, ??????! ??? ???'?? to say hello to smb — ????'??????? ? ???-?., ????'?????????? ???'?-?. 2) ???'?; ??'???? (? ?????? ??????????? ?????????): hello! - Hello, who's speaking, please? ???'?! - ??'????, ??? ?????'??? -->Combinatory (En-Ru) -->hello [he'l??? hel??] int ????????????! , ?????? -->Computers (En-Ru) -->Hello = Hello packet -->Advanced English-Spanish VOX (En-Es) -->hello [he'l??] ? interjection 1 ¡hola! 2 (on telephone - answering) ¡diga!; (- calling) ¡oiga! 3 (to get somebody's attention) ¡oiga!, ¡oye! 4 (expressing surprise) ¡vaya! ¦ hello, hello, hello! What's going on here? ¡vaya, vaya, vaya! ¿Qué pasa aquí? -->Concise Oxford English Dictionary -->hello

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