Browse through millions of movies & tv shows, explore new, trending, popular and top rated titles.
ScrollWatch helps you find the perfect movie or tv show and tells you if it is available for streaming on Netflix, Disney +, HBO max or other streaming services.
- View lists of popular, trending, top rated, airing today movies and tv shows.
- Use filters for genres, release year, average rating and age rating.
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- Search for movies and tv shows in any language.
- See movie and tv show details translated in your language (title, description, genres and other)
- View recommendations based on other movies and tv shows.
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Apply filters for genre, release year, average rating and age rating to find amazing movies and tv shows. The app also recommends other movies and tv shows based on what you browse.
View information about release date, runtime, genres, production companies, seasons, cast and more! Watch trailers and see where to watch your favorite movie or series. All for free!
Search for a film or tv show and add it to your watch list! Share in-app links with your friends and scroll through dozens of films and tv shows anytime, anywhere.