screenstyler Alternatives
screenstyler is described as 'It's a little something we made to make Windows customization easier. ScreenStyler has an intuitive UI and combines several apps and resources for fast, awesome results' and is an app in the os & utilities category. There are more than 25 alternatives to screenstyler for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone and Android apps. The best screenstyler alternative is Rainmeter, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like screenstyler are Sidebar Diagnostics, ViBox, Uwidgets and Conky.
filter to find the best alternatives
screenstyler alternatives are mainly System Information Utilities but may also be Desktop Customization Tools or Wallpapers Hubs. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of screenstyler.- Free • Proprietary
- Like this app14 Lockera Widgets alternatives
Personalize your Home and Lock Screen with Lockera. Keep track of essential information.
Lockera Widgets VS screenstyler
Is Lockera Widgets a good alternative to screenstyler? - Like this app15 Widgetable alternatives
Widgetable provides trending widgets on your lock and home screen, including pet widgets, plant widgets, social widgets for friends and couples, mood bubbles, dynamic icons, app launching widgets and contact shortcuts.
Widgetable VS screenstyler
Is Widgetable a good alternative to screenstyler? - 21 likes18 BgInfo alternatives
How many times have you walked up to a system in your office and needed to click through several diagnostic windows to remind yourself of important aspects of its configuration, such as its name, IP address, or operating system version If you manage multiple computers you...
BgInfo VS screenstyler
Is BgInfo a good alternative to screenstyler? - 19 likes38 MenuMeters for El Capitan alternatives
This is a port to OS X El Capitan 10.11 of MenuMeters by Alex Harper.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
MenuMeters for El Capitan Features
MenuMeters for El Capitan VS screenstyler
Is this a good alternative to screenstyler? - 20 likes20 GKrellM alternatives
GKrellM is a single process stack of system monitors which supports applying themes to match its appearance to your window manager, Gtk, or any other theme.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
GKrellM Features
GKrellM VS screenstyler
Is GKrellM a good alternative to screenstyler? - 8 likes14 Moo0 System Monitor alternatives
Lets you keep your eye on system resource usages of your PC. It supports 43 kinds of information including CPU, Memory, Network, and detailed HDD usages, so you may discover what's limiting your system performance in each occasion.
Moo0 System Monitor Features
Moo0 System Monitor VS screenstyler
Is Moo0 System Monitor a good alternative to screenstyler? - 6 likes13 iGlance alternatives
iGlance is a small system monitor that displays current stats about your Mac on the menu bar. It is built to be highly customizable so that everyone can adjust it to his/her needs. A full list of all the features is below.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
iGlance Features
DiscontinuedThis project is no longer under active development.
iGlance VS screenstyler
Is iGlance a good alternative to screenstyler? - 10 likes8 8GadgetPack alternatives
8GadgetPack makes it possible to use gadgets on Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application type
- Windows
8GadgetPack Features
8GadgetPack VS screenstyler
Is 8GadgetPack a good alternative to screenstyler? - 17 likes19 Desktop Info alternatives
This little application displays system information on your desktop in a similar way to some other desktop information tools. Unlike others, this application looks like wallpaper but stays resident in memory and continues to update the display in real time.
Desktop Info VS screenstyler
Is Desktop Info a good alternative to screenstyler? - 25 likes18 GeekTool alternatives
GeekTool is an application for Mac OS 10.6+. It lets you display various kinds of information on your desktop via 3 default plug-ins:
- File plugin to monitor MacOS X activity
- Shell mode to launch custom scripts or commands
- Image mode
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application type
- Mac
GeekTool Features
DiscontinuedThe program is reportedly still working, but latest version, 3.3.1, was released in October 2016. It can be still downloaded from the official website.
GeekTool VS screenstyler
Is GeekTool a good alternative to screenstyler? - 10 likes34 BitBar alternatives
The BitBar app lets you put the output from any script or program right in your Mac OS X menu bar. And it's completely free. An impressive number of plugins have already been contributed by a wide range of developers just like you, and this site makes it easy to find them.
BitBar VS screenstyler
Is BitBar a good alternative to screenstyler? - 6 likes34 MiniUsage alternatives
MiniUsage displays various data like CPU usage, amount of network flow, battery status and process names which uses much CPU time in a menubar. It takes little space and can display various data, so it's suitable for notebook.
DiscontinuedThe program seems to be no longer updated. Last version, 3.0.0, released in April 2015, can be still downloaded from the official website, but it doesn’t work on macOS 10.13
MiniUsage VS screenstyler
Is MiniUsage a good alternative to screenstyler?