Portable Apache, Maria DB, PHP for Windows


Downloads and sets up the latest portable versions of Apache, Maria DB (formerly MySQL), and PHP for Windows from reputable sources. Developed and maintained by CubicleSoft.

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  • FreeOpen Source


  • Windows  XP and later
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  2. MariaDB icon  Support for MariaDB

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Portable Apache, Maria DB, PHP for Windows information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    7 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Portable Apache, Maria DB, PHP for Windows was added to AlternativeTo by powahuser on Apr 16, 2016 and this page was last updated Jan 19, 2021.
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What is Portable Apache, Maria DB, PHP for Windows?

Portable Apache + Maria DB (a popular fork of MySQL) + PHP for Windows is for web developers who prefer manually editing configuration files and want "manual" but quick startup of Apache and Maria DB (no Windows services). No more hunting for ZIP files for each separate piece of software.

If XAMPP and similar incarnations are not really your style (e.g. you prefer the command-line and think phpMyAdmin is for weaklings), then this project might be more up your alley. Note that the primary purpose of this project is to set up a quick-and-dirty local WAMP install that just works and is not intended for use on production servers.

Requires 2GB of storage space to install.