Create configurable pipelines using GitHub Actions workflows.
What are pipelines?
Pipelines are sequence of GitHub Actions workflows, executed in order, waiting for successful execution of each workflow before processing to next workflow execution. Pippy provides below features for full control of the execution flow.
Most of the features are already offered by GitHub deployments using environments. Some key differentiators:
- Automatic Rollback: Don't let bad builds bring down production, wait for successful health signals
- Datadog Monitoring: Watch Datadog monitors after workflow completes, offering additional safety
- Pause/Resume: Pause and resume pipeline runs if an external action needs to be performed in between stages
Here are some features also offered by GitHub:
- Locks: Lock approvals to prevent any outage
- Approvals: Gate automatic deployments to production
- Automatic triggers: Trigger pipeline run automatically on push to main for selected repo