Support for 22 algorithms, see Algorithms
High performance hash calculation
Native Windows looks
High DPI screen support
Long path support*
Multilingual (Consider contributing to translation!)
Check hashes against VirusTotal with a button
Hash checking against a checksum file (Supported: hex hash next to file, *sum output (hex or base64), corz .hash, SFV)
Hash export to file or clipboard (Supported: *sum output, corz .hash, SFV)
Optional context menu option for faster access
File associations and standalone mode
- to the extent Windows and configuration supports it. Enable long paths on 1607+ for better support.
System requirements
Windows Vista or later (x86 / x64 / ARM64)
1 GB RAM or more (for efficent hashing of more than 512 files at a time)
Most of the actions should be obvious. Some not-so-obvious features are listed here:
You can select multiple files or folders, all files will be hashed, directories traversed
Double click hash to copy it
Double click name or algorithm to copy the line in sumfile format
Right click for popup menu: copy hash, copy filename, copy line, copy everything
The counters next to the status text is in the format (match/mismatch/nothing to check against/error)
Columns sort lexographically, except the hash column which sorts by match type
Selecting the tab on a sumfile will interpret it as such and hash the files listed in it.
If a hashed file has a sumfile with same filename plus one of the recognized sumfile extensions and the option for it is enabled, the file hash is checked against it.
xxHash (XXH32, XXH64)
xxHash3 (64 and 128 bit variants)
MD4, MD5
SHA-2 (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)
SHA-3 (SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512)
KangarooTwelve (264 bit)
ParallelHash128 (264 bit) and ParallelHash256 (528 bit)
Comments and Reviews
Open Source. Super light weight, and really convenient. It should be a standard feature for Windows Explorer's File Property Menu
Simple, elegant, full-featured Windows shell extension for calculating checksum values of files.