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NZBHydra2 is a meta search for NZB indexers. It provides easy access to a number of raw and newznab based indexers. You can search all your indexers from one place and use it as indexer source for tools like Sonarr or CouchPotato.


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  • FreeOpen Source


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  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
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  • Alternatives

    18 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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News & Books

GitHub repository

  •  1,319 Stars
  •  79 Forks
  •  103 Open Issues
  •   Updated Jan 30, 2025 
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Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about NZBHydra2, and it has gotten 6 likes

NZBHydra2 was added to AlternativeTo by Pierre_ on May 19, 2017 and this page was last updated Oct 2, 2018.

Comments and Reviews

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CommentJan 31, 2020

This app is great, but ALL LISTED ALTERNATIVES are NOT software!!!!! they are sites that NZBHydra2 is made to use!!!!! Where are the alternative apps!!!


What is NZBHydra2?

Features :

-Searches Binsearch, NZBIndex, NZBClub, Womble and all newznab compatible indexers

-Search by IMDB, TMDB, TVDB, TVRage and TVMaze ID (including season and episode) and filter by age and size. If an ID is not supported by an indexer it is attempted to be converted (e.g. TMDB to IMDB)

-Query generation, meaning when you search for a movie using e.g. an IMDB ID a query will be generated for raw indexers. Searching for a series season 1 episode 2 will also generate queries for raw indexers, like s01e02 and 1x02

-Grouping of results with the same title and of duplicate results, accounting for result posting time, size, group and poster. By default only one of the duplicates is shown. You can provide an indexer score to influence which one that might be

-Compatible with Sonarr, CP, NZB 360, SickBeard, Mylar and Lazy Librarian (and others)

-Either proxy the NZBs from the indexers (keeping all X-NZB headers), redirect or use direct links in search results

-Included function to add results (single or a bunch) to multiple instances of SABnzbd or NZBGet(v13+) and show NFOs where available. Option to decide if links are added as links or the NZBs are uploaded. Select category in GUI or define a default.

-Statistics on indexers (average response time, share of results, access errors), searches and downloads per time of day and day of week, NZB download history and search history (both via internal GUI and API): Screenshot

-Indexers with problems are paused for an increasing time span (like in sonarr)

-Multi user capabilities so that you can share with your friends but keep the config safe

-Login by HTTP basic auth or form

-Define required and forbidden words and regexes

-Basic torrent support via Jackett / Cardigann. Only for internal searches.

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