Myne (eBook) Alternatives
Myne (eBook) is described as 'Myne is a FOSS Android application to download ebooks from the Project GutenBerg, it uses GutenDex API to fetch metadata of ebooks in the backend' and is a Ebook Library in the news & books category. There are more than 25 alternatives to Myne (eBook) for a variety of platforms, including Web-based, Android, iPhone, iPad and Mac apps. The best Myne (eBook) alternative is Z-Library, which is free. Other great apps like Myne (eBook) are Internet Archive, Project Gutenberg, Amazon Kindle and Google Play Books.
filter to find the best alternatives
Myne (eBook) alternatives are mainly Ebook Libraries but may also be Ebook Readers or PDF Readers. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Myne (eBook).- Ebook Library
- Free • Open Source
- 4 likes64 Magzter alternatives
Magzter is a cross-platform, self-service, global digital magazine newsstand with over 8,000 magazines from 3,400+ publishers in more than 50 languages from over 175 countries. User can read magazines through iOS, Android, and is website.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
- Windows
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
Magzter Features
Magzter VS Myne (eBook)
Is Magzter a good alternative to Myne (eBook)? - 5 likes19 MortPlayer Audio Books alternatives
MortPlayer Audio Books is a special media player for audio books. Separate folders, save+restore position for every track, bookmarks, ...
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application type
- Android
MortPlayer Audio Books Features
DiscontinuedThe app hasn't been updated since 2012 so I'm assuming it's discontinued.
MortPlayer Audio Books VS Myne (eBook)
Is this a good alternative to Myne (eBook)? - 8 likes51 YouScribe alternatives
YouScribe is the French community platform for sharing and selling digital publications.
YouScribe VS Myne (eBook)
Is YouScribe a good alternative to Myne (eBook)? - 1 like11 alternatives
Download digital audio books online and listen on your iPhone, Android or mp3 player. 100,000+ downloadable Audible audiobooks by best-selling authors.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
- Mac
- Windows
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- Windows Phone
- iPad Features VS Myne (eBook)
Is a good alternative to Myne (eBook)? - 2 likes3 PDFBooksWorld alternatives
Free pdf books on fiction, non-fiction, academic, textbooks and children's books available for download in high quality PDF format.
PDFBooksWorld VS Myne (eBook)
Is PDFBooksWorld a good alternative to Myne (eBook)? - 1 like3 Centless Books alternatives
CentslessBooks has thousands of bestselling free Kindle books, changing every day! We have thousands of free Kindle books in dozens of your favorite genres!
Centless Books VS Myne (eBook)
Is Centless Books a good alternative to Myne (eBook)? - 2 likes6 BookCrossing Core alternatives
Open source project aims easy creation of your own bookcrossing site for sharing books in your country/region/company with multilingual support. Allows people to add their books into online library, release and track the journey of books.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Online
- Drupal
BookCrossing Core Features
BookCrossing Core VS Myne (eBook)
Is BookCrossing Core a good alternative to Myne (eBook)? - 4 likes37 Yudu alternatives
"Explore the YUDU library to read online magazines, free eBooks and other digital content. Browse thousands of free digital magazines or buy titles in the YUDU Store. Self-publish your own digital magazines, eBooks, digital brochures and more with our free publisher...
Yudu VS Myne (eBook)
Is Yudu a good alternative to Myne (eBook)? keosk. VS Myne (eBook)
Is keosk. a good alternative to Myne (eBook)?- 32 likes45 alternatives
With you create fantastic ePaper documents in only 2 minutes from your PDF. With just one click, the document is posted on Facebook! VS Myne (eBook)
Is a good alternative to Myne (eBook)? - 1 like80 Ryfma alternatives
Ryfma is a content subscription service for writers and readers. Content creators can earn money from users who subscribe to their content—the "sponsors".
Ryfma VS Myne (eBook)
Is Ryfma a good alternative to Myne (eBook)? - Like this app39 Madmagz alternatives
Madmagz enables you to create a digital or a print magazine. Try it, it's free!
Madmagz VS Myne (eBook)
Is Madmagz a good alternative to Myne (eBook)?