MTPuTTY (Multi-Tabbed PuTTY)
MTPuTTY (Multi-Tabbed PuTTY) is a small free utility enabling you to wrap unlimited number of PuTTY applications in one tabbed GUI interface. You are still continue using your favorite SSH client, but you are no longer messing around with PuTTY...
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- wheelhousesmack added MTPuTTY (Multi-Tabbed PuTTY) as alternative to Tempest - SSH and SFTP client
Comments and Reviews
No more discontinued ? Latest version available is, development is probably resumed
Could i be that my search for a putty with tabs has come to an end? The software looks good. Love the fact that it comes with a single EXE mode (just like putty). Hope it remains stable. Nice work.
Looks nice! My search for multi-tabbed PuTTY (with reconnection option) has come to completion. Thanks! This beats Super-PuTTY
Reply written Mar 6, 2012