Melody Assistant
Melody Assistant is dedicated to music writing, printing and rendering. Easy to use, Melody Assistant offers a user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities. Now used by a very active community of thousands of people, it has become a favored tool for creating music.
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What is Melody Assistant?
Melody Assistant is dedicated to music writing, printing and rendering. Easy to use, Melody Assistant offers a user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities. Now used by a very active community of thousands of people, it has become a favored tool for creating music.
Differences between Melody Assistant and Harmony Assistant:
The program is Multi language: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese.
Comments and Reviews
The best application for writing new & editing music that there is (well, besides its bigger sibling, the Harmony Assistant):
Personally, I use it (mostly) to have DRUMS track available for my later live-instruments recording (using Zoom R16, a digital multi-track recording & mixing device). Starting with version 3.4.0, I imported real-life drum sounds, as well as a few guitar / bass / keyboard ones - and all work 100% even in the latest version. So the process is - I have an idea for a song, so I write it down (typically tablatures & drums grids), then play around with its finesses - and when I'm done, I just export the drums (I mute the rest) into a stereo WAVE file (which I then import to Zoom R16 as a drum track). While I work on the score (and listen to it) I actually learn it as well, so the recording then is super-easy. Also, if I want to change a beat here or there ex-post, I just modify the corresponding drums track(-s), re-export them and replace the original (e.g. in Cubase) - as long as the starting point is the same, it's 100% OK.
All in all, this is, sadly, a vastly underrated application, that everyone creating music (no DJs/MCs/let's loop disco/hip-hop/rap samples type of 'musicians' (!!!)) should give at least a try. It's definitely worth the price (30 EUR).
LbnL I tried RoseGarden and NoteEdit (and a few other apps I do not recall the names of) - and NONE CAME EVEN CLOSE - in terms of intuitive & user-friendly UI and variety of options and possibilities.