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Media Rage


A collection of powerful tools for media enthusiasts with a Macintosh using Mac OS X. Media Rage can read and write information stored in MP3, AAC/MP4, FLAC, AIFF, WAVE, BWF, and Ogg Vorbis audio files as well as EXIF (read only) tags in digital images.

Multiple QuickEdit - Lets you quickly edit data in multiple audio files in quick succession. Pin static fields to easily fill subsequent files.

License model


  • Mac

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  1.  Mp3 Tag Editor
  2.  File Renaming
  3.  Built-in player
  4.  Artwork
  5.  Support for Unicode
  6.  Batch processing

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Media Rage information

  • Developed by

    Chaotic Software
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Alternatives

    13 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Media Rage was added to AlternativeTo by Gianfranco on May 14, 2010 and this page was last updated May 24, 2019.
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What is Media Rage?

A collection of powerful tools for media enthusiasts with a Macintosh using Mac OS X. Media Rage can read and write information stored in MP3, AAC/MP4, FLAC, AIFF, WAVE, BWF, and Ogg Vorbis audio files as well as EXIF (read only) tags in digital images. Media Rage can assist you in cataloging, organizing, sorting, and updating thousands of audio files with ease.


Supports reading and writing information in AAC, MP3 (all tag versions), FLAC, AIFF, WAVE, BWF, and Ogg Vorbis media files. Read and display EXIF tags in image files. Opens and plays any QuickTime compatible file. Supports reading and writing Unicode data. Fully multi-threaded, providing a responsive user experience. Built for Mac OS X from the ground up, and adopts Mac OS X UI guidelines. Dashboard and Toolbar windows allow quick access to all tools. Duplicate finder - Find duplicate files in your collection, based on your criteria. Easily trash duplicates once found. Catalog Creator - easily create catalogs of your files in a flexible manner. Media Scrubber - allow quick viewing, comparing, copying, and in-line editing of your media files. File Renamer - change filenames on disk based on data in media files. Player - a simple player is included for sampling of songs without adding them to your iTunes library. QuickEdit - modify the contents of MP3, AAC, FLAC, and Ogg audio files. Multiple QuickEdit - modify batches of files in a few easy strokes. Organizer - move, copy, link or alias a collection of files on your disk with ease. Tool Chain - can run multiple tools sequentially Data Changer - batch modify thousands of files in a single click! Artwork Search - search the internet for artwork to add to your media files. and much more!

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