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Math Scanner icon

Math Scanner

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The Math Scanner app is a user-friendly application enabling users to extract mathematical expressions from screenshots via OCR (Optical Character Recognition). It then converts the expressions into LaTeX equations using an external API.

Math Scanner screenshot 1
Math Scanner screenshot 2

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Windows
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  1.  OCR
  2.  Portable

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  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Written in

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    10 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Office & ProductivityEducation & Reference

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  •  0 Open Issues
  •   Updated Jul 1, 2024 
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What is Math Scanner?

The Math Scanner app is a simple application that allows users to take a screenshot, extract mathematical expressions from the screenshot using OCR (Optical Character Recognition), and render them as LaTeX equations. It uses an external API for mathematical expression recognition. The app supports dark theme and automatically adapts to the system settings.


  1. Launch the Math Scanner app on your device.
  2. You will see a message prompting you to click the FAB (floating action button) to take a screenshot.
  3. Click the FAB to capture a screenshot.
  4. The app will process the screenshot and try to recognize mathematical expressions using an external OCR API.
  5. If successful, the recognized result will be displayed as a rendered LaTeX equation on the screen.
  6. If the recognition fails, the app will display an error message indicating that it couldn't find any formulas.
  7. If OCR text is recognized instead of a LaTeX equation, the text will be displayed on the screen.
  8. The recognized result will also be copied to the clipboard automatically.

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