Maian Cube
These days a lot of people want to sell their products online, but the million dollar question is, how do you protect your investment and prevent unauthorised copying or code theft? The answer for many lies in the superb and widely respected ionCube® license system.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
- Self-Hosted
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What is Maian Cube?
These days a lot of people want to sell their products online, but the million dollar question is, how do you protect your investment and prevent unauthorised copying or code theft? The answer for many lies in the superb and widely respected ionCube® license system.
One of the many features of ionCube® is to enable restrictions and locking via a license file. But, how do you make it easy for your visitors to generate license files after purchase? The answer is Maian Cube.
Maian Cube makes it easy for you to automate your license creation process, meaning your customers can instantly get their license upgrades, which makes for happy customers and less headaches for you.
Maian Cube has been written with ease of use in mind and is not over bloated with too many features. It has all the features you need to run an effective license system.