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Listen Audiobook Player icon

Listen Audiobook Player


Feature rich and easy to use player for your audio books.


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  • Android
4 / 5 Avg rating (1)
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  1.  View documents in subfolder from parent
  2.  Audio Books

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Listen Audiobook Player information

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase (perpetual license) that costs $2.
  • Alternatives

    13 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about Listen Audiobook Player, and it has gotten 6 likes

Listen Audiobook Player was added to AlternativeTo by Cynthia_A_Howe on Jun 6, 2015 and this page was last updated Jan 19, 2021.

Comments and Reviews

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Lester Covax
Top positive commentJan 18, 2021

It handles varying mixes of folders / subfolders with audiobooks better than any other Android alternative (i.e. actually works as expected). 'AudioAncher' and 'Voice', for instance, only show a fraction of the books in library folder I add. It lacks in the UX department at times (i.e. choosing background art), but makes up for it with its absurd amount of options. I've used it for over a year for every non-audible audiobook, (that includes Overdrive/Libby).


What is Listen Audiobook Player?

This is a player only, you must provide your own audiobooks to play.

Written with a focus on simple design and ease of use with an interface that puts your books on display and doesn't get in your way. Tap anywhere on the background to play and pause. Use gesture controls to skip forward or back. A slide out navigation drawer for when you need it. The player brings many convenient features such as downloading book cover art from within the app, sync position across multiple devices, set a time when the sleep countdown timer is automatically active if book is played, auto adjust sound levels, a play queue to auto start the next book when your current book finishes, add multiple library folder locations, and many more.

I listen to audio books every day and I wrote this player as a labor of love. I've spent many hundreds of hours developing this app, and continue to invest a lot of time in improvements and updates. If you enjoy audiobooks like I do, please give it a try. I hope you will enjoy using it.

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