"kwout" is a way you quote a part of a web page as an image with an image map.
To use this service, all you need is to add our bookmarklet to your favorite browser.
- Grab a screenshot
Click our bookmarklet on a web page you wish to quote, and the screenshot of the entire web page will be popped up. (The size of the screenshot can be selected from small, medium or large.)
Cut out an area
By dragging a mouse on the screenshot, select an area you wish to quote, and click the "Cut Out" button. Then the area you selected will be cut out as an image with an image map (hyperlinks).
Post it to anywhere
Finally, the embed code, which is used to post the image (with the image map) to your web site, will be displayed. In addition, you can post it directly to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and so on.