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Kosmi icon



Kosmi is a free real time application and communication platform that offers voice, text and video calls along with games and applications such as SNES Party, NES Party, OpenArena, Poker, Virtual Cardtables, Synced YouTube and Cowatch Video.

Kosmi screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application type


  • Online
4.8 / 5 Avg rating (4)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Watch Videos Together
  2.  Screen Sharing
  3.  No registration required
  4.  Dark Mode
  5.  Game Streaming

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Kosmi information

  • Developed by

    Haukur Rosinkranz
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.8
  • Alternatives

    149 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 6 comments and reviews about Kosmi, and it has gotten 27 likes

Kosmi was added to AlternativeTo by Haukur Rosinkranz on Nov 25, 2019 and this page was last updated Oct 6, 2024.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentFeb 27, 2021

seamless, great UI. BY FAR the best perfect rabb.it and watch2gether alternative, period

CommentAug 10, 2022

Ui seems to need a tad bit of work, aside from that it seems to be a great concept!

Positive commentFeb 12, 2021

Only app out there that lets you watch/share in sync with voice and even video chat! All those "watch party" options on streaming services are a joke with just messaging.

1 reply

Uhm no I use this app that lets you open a web browser aka vbroswer

Reply written Mar 7, 2021

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Positive commentDec 28, 2020

The very best alternative to Rabb.it

Matheus Bastos
Positive commentJul 8, 2020

The idea of being able to play games in online emulators is very good, it would be perfect if there was no lag for non-host players. I still haven't found any platform that does the same thing then :)

CommentJan 31, 2020

Closest thing to Rabb.it you will find on the internet. It gives you options to pick which application to use when you share screen. It even gives you the option to share with or without sound. Includes a text tab to comment.


What is Kosmi?

Kosmi is a free real time application and communication platform that offers voice, text and video calls along with games and applications such as SNES Party, NES Party, OpenArena, Poker, Virtual Cardtables and Cowatch Video.

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