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KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file.

Entry Templates Plugin

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Mac  Requires Mono (3.0 or later) and XQuartz (2.7.4 or later); MacOS 10.15 and later can only run 64-bit Mono
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • BSD
  • Mono
4.5 / 5 Avg rating (63)


Suggest and vote on features


  1.  Lightweight
  2.  Privacy focused
  3.  Security-focused
  4.  Customizable


  1.  Works Offline
  2.  Password Generator
  3.  Portable
  4.  Password safe
  5.  Password encryption
  6.  Extensible by Plugins/Extensions
  7.  Local Storage
  8.  Autofill
  9.  Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  10.  Browser integration
  11.  Cryptolocker
  12.  Save Attachments
  13.  Ad-free
  14.  Multiple languages
  15.  Integrated Password Generator
  16.  Protected by Password
  17.  Automatic Form-Filler
  18.  Time-based One-time Password
  19.  No Tracking
  20.  Password protection
  21.  AES-256 Encryption
  22.  Password Recovery
  23.  Two-factor Authentication
  24.  Password Sharing
  25.  Sorting by folder
  26.  Command line interface
  27.  End-to-End Encryption
  28.  Encrypted Backup

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  • BIGLINUX and kisslike liked KeePass
    3 days ago
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    sebastianpaczoski added KeePass as alternative to Hypervault
    13 days ago
  • spx300 liked KeePass
    27 days ago
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    POX added KeePass as alternative to AliasVault
    about 1 month ago
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    StruggleYang added KeePass as alternative to Nice Password
    2 months ago
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    muhammadfarag added KeePass as alternative to MEGA Pass
    2 months ago
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    muhammadfarag added KeePass as alternative to Norton Password Manager
    2 months ago
  • kusarebaita reviewed KeePass  
    3 months ago

    A password manager and generator that is very reliable and really easy to use. People who think such programs are unnecessary don't know what they're missing!

  • kusarebaita liked KeePass
    3 months ago
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Comments and Reviews

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Comment summary: KeePass is highly praised for being a reliable, secure, and open-source password manager, with strong support for local storage and a wide range of plugins. Users appreciate its functionality and cross-platform availability, despite some challenges with browser integrations and version incompatibilities. However, a security flaw related to update checks and issues with syncing and stability on various platforms have been noted. Users generally recommend it for its privacy and control over sensitive data.
John Fastman
Top positive commentJan 23, 2017

Windows users, increase your security: In KeePass go to Tools Options Security check "Enter master key on secure desktop". This helps to defeat keyloggers.

Use Keefox for integration with Firefox browser. It finds the website fields correctly in 99% of instances, which is better than some commercial products like LastPass.

There are a couple of things to know to save you time when installing the plugin. In particular, if you've followed the instructions and it still doesn't open try this: Go go KeeFox Options KeePass tab check "Remember above settings (e.g. when using KeePass portable).Hopefully that should sort it out.

2 replies

Can it work with Chrome ?

Reply written Aug 27, 2017

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John Fastman

Yes, it can work with Chrome. For Chrome, you will need a different plugin, however: ChromeiPass. But, if you value your online security and privacy, I strongly urge you not to use Chrome. It's part of Google's broad suite of software that harvests your personal information. If you want a more privacy-oriented but Chrome-compatible browser, see Vivaldi or, better still, Iridium. For both of those the ChromeiPass plugin should also work.

Using Keepass + a browser plugin is less convenient than using a service that syncs your passwords, e.g. the excellent Bitwarden. People who accept the extra inconvenience of Keepass are generally doing it for the added security and privacy benefits. So why undermine your privacy by letting Google track everywhere you go online and everything you search for?

Reply written May 1, 2018

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Top negative commentJun 7, 2016

KeePass have MitM security flaw in update check. KeePass uses, in all versions up to the current 2.33, unencrypted HTTP requests to check for new software versions. An attacker can abuse this automatic update check – if enabled – to “release” a new version and redirect the user to a malicious download page.

KeePass 2 developer Dominik Reichl has declined to patch a flaw in the password manager's update check as the "indirect costs" of the upgrade (which would encrypt web traffic) are too high -- namely, it'd lose ad revenue. Yes, the implication is that profit is more important than protecting users.

[Edited by Distortion, October 15]

3 replies

That's why users must verify the hashsums!

  • but most of them never do.
  • THEIR fault if they download something fake
  • at least he published it (The checksum in a stupid form though, he says it is readable, good luck with it Dom, read it, i won't!)

Reply written Jun 30, 2016

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The developer has said that this issue was patched:

"In order to prevent a man in the middle from making KeePass display incorrect version information (even though this does not imply a successful attack, see above), the version information file is now digitally signed (using RSA-4096 and SHA-512). KeePass 2.34 and higher only accept such a digitally signed version information file. Furthermore, the version information file is now downloaded over HTTPS"

Reply written Oct 15, 2016

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Reminds me of a bug report I made in 2017, about plugins being able to bypass the program's primary internet proxy settings; the reply was that "Plugins can basically do whatever they want. There is no way for KeePass to restrict them." Very alarming for an encryption/security program. Since then I have only used one or two very simple plugins, and blocked internet access to KeePass with a software firewall.

Reply written Dec 13, 2022

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Positive commentNov 30, 2024

A password manager and generator that is very reliable and really easy to use. People who think such programs are unnecessary don't know what they're missing!

Peter S.
Positive commentNov 19, 2024

I keep only important passwords in it. Lastpass for less important passwords. And keep the master password on paper. I can remember it also. It has a very fast search. The search plus tags and other features make it a universal tool. People have already figured ways to use it besides passwords. It's portable and small. Can be used to share info between some parties.

Positive commentSep 1, 2023

As long time user I'm still satisfied. Open source, audited, useful...

Positive commentNov 21, 2022

It's simple to use. I'll loved it

Malaz YI
Pending approval • Edited Sep 25, 2022

I made a little introduction video to KeePass for new comers:

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What is KeePass?

KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. So you only have to remember one single master password or select the key file to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish).

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KeePass information

Our users have written 55 comments and reviews about KeePass, and it has gotten 1614 likes

KeePass was added to AlternativeTo by Markus Olausson on Oct 30, 2008 and this page was last updated Jun 5, 2023.