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LineageOS Jelly browser + ads Blocker + offline reading.
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- Douze added jQuarks as alternative to FREE browser
- K0RR added jQuarks as alternative to Thorium Browser
- K0RR added jQuarks as alternative to Thorium Browser
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What is jQuarks?
Jelly Browser
Jelly browser with ads blocker, support for android 6.0+, a few ui changes and some bug fixes. Ads blocker and favicon in search bar based on this: https://github.com/CarbonROM/android_packages_apps_Quarks
Ads blocker:
Offline reading:
- .mht (chromium compatible)
- /Android/data/com.oF2pks.jquarks/files/*.mht
- ?Favorites
- screen Shortcuts
external launches:
- local xml/mht/html, for both (X-plore) & (aosp/Files or GhostCommander)
- ShareLink
More search engines:
- Gibiru
- SearX
- StartPage
AOSP compilation:
[https://gitlab.com/oF2pks/jelly/commit/3588ba5fa0038b26b01ec5f33f41cd36ed3eae07](https://gitlab.com/oF2pks/jelly/commit/3588ba5fa0038b26b01ec5f33f41cd36ed3eae07) )prim-origin: https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Jelly