Imagine you shuffle a pack or cards and are looking for the 4 of Diamonds.
With a traditional search engines you would get 6 pages of results with 10 cards on each and the last page with 2 cards,
The 4 of Diamonds would be somewhere within those and you would scroll through the results on each page. It might take up to 52 results to find the card.
With Adswipe's Intelligent Search, we return the results in a stack and you swipe the top result either left if its not relevant or right of its relevant.
So if the first results was a 10 of spades. You swipe it left and then we re-order the remaining results and remove all the 10's and all the Spades. The next card is a 5 of Hearts. So all the 5s and all the Hearts go. The next card might be a 8 of Diamonds so we swipe right as its close (its a Diamond) and then everything goes apart from the Diamonds and 8s.
So each time you interact with the search result we reorder the remaining results and improve their relevancy.
Using this method with just the 52 results of a pack of cards you may only need to look at 13 cards instead of 52 (4x faster) but imagine that with millions of results it could be thousands of times faster.