IsoDumper is a tool primarily for writing downloaded bootable ISO images to a USB stick.
It can write ISO images that are intended to be burnt to disc support and which are rendered hybrid, thus which can be written on USB stick or memory. It works like the command dd, i.e. writing its own partition table. All Mageia images are writable with IsoDumper, like other OS images when they are provided to be written with dd. In addition to the writing feature, you will find also these features:
- Backup of a bootable USB stick to free it up for other use - but the backup (saved as an .img file) can simply be restored to the stick if required
- Formatting of a USB stick in a simple manner since 1.05 release, an option to add persistent partition alongside the image, useful with Mageia Live media
The tool will check some things before writing:
- The partition of the USB device is unmounted
- The size of the ISO should be smaller than the size of the USB device if the size of the stick is greater than 32GB, you will be asked to confirm that it is actually the intended target device
Note: PisiLinux OS is available in the store.