Welcome to ifSpace, the de facto platform for interactive fiction games, adventures, and books. With this new software, it is now possible to create works of interactive fiction with zero coding, as well as to share these games online across this platform, or offline with the same software available for download on the opensource GitHub repo. Enjoy
The Universe
The structure of ifSpace is that of a two dimensional, text-based, universe. Upon registering an account, you are automatically assigned a new world somewhere in the universe. As more users join the site, the universe will expand. It is in these worlds where the user's interactive fiction pieces can be accessed and played. Each world also has the option to update their world description (limited to 280 characters) to anything they would like. This can include an actual description of your world, or it can be something else (like the world owner's social account details or other information). The tools for updating your world can be found on your Spaceship page.
Ever Evolving
This platform is new and in beta. It is designed to be scalable, responsive (for play on desktop and mobile), and clean. The design will always be in a state of room-for-improvement, as all things are; and as such will consistently be updated and improved to reach the ever-elusive "finished" state. Please feel free to contact the Curator of the site to offer suggestions, report bugs, or to otherwise comment-on/critique the site.