IBM Digital Analytics Alternatives

IBM Digital Analytics is described as 'For Mobile provides marketing executives with real-time access to their top-line performance metrics and key performance indicators, anytime, anywhere' and is an app. There are more than 25 alternatives to IBM Digital Analytics for a variety of platforms, including Web-based, iPhone, SaaS, Self-Hosted and iPad apps. The best IBM Digital Analytics alternative is Google Analytics, which is free. Other great apps like IBM Digital Analytics are Counter, Wikidata, Swetrix Analytics and Statify.

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IBM Digital Analytics alternatives are mainly Web Analytics Services but may also be Website Monitoring Tools or SEO Tools.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of IBM Digital Analytics.
  • ...

IBM Digital Analytics for Mobile provides marketing executives with real-time access to their top-line performance metrics and key performance indicators, anytime, anywhere.

More about IBM Digital Analytics
IBM Digital Analytics alternatives page was last updated Nov 27, 2014
  1. Nexus icon
     Like this app

    Turn Every Agent Into Your Best Agent. With Nexus.

    Cloud-based Nexus Service Platform (Nexus) takes your technical support to the next level with automation and analytics. Based on insights from over 20 million support interactions with consumers and businesses with connected te.

    32 Nexus alternatives

    License model


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Online
    • Android Nexus Features

    1.  Website Monitoring
    2.  Logging
    3.  Server Monitoring
    4.  Performance Monitoring
    5.  Cloud based Nexus iconIBM Digital Analytics Icon Nexus VS IBM Digital Analytics

    Is Nexus a good alternative to IBM Digital Analytics?
  2. FireStats icon
     Like this app

    FireStats is a web statistics system.


    FireStats protect the privacy of your users, unlike services like Google analytics. Real time statistics Recent referrers Search engine keywords Recent popular pages Browser and OS trees, grouped by what matters IP to country - kno.

    84 FireStats alternatives

    License model

    • Free PersonalProprietary

    Application type


    • Online
    • Self-Hosted

    FireStats Features

    1.  Multiple languages
    2.  Real-time Statistics
    3.  Real-time analytics
    4.  Support for IPv6

    The program is no longer updated. Last version, 1.6.7, released in July 2010, can be still downloaded from the official website.

    FireStats iconIBM Digital Analytics Icon

    FireStats VS IBM Digital Analytics

    Is FireStats a good alternative to IBM Digital Analytics?
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