Hike Messenger icon
Hike Messenger icon

Hike Messenger


Used for chatting, updating status, photos, sharing media like WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE etc.

Hike Messenger screenshot 2
Chat themes

License model

  • FreeProprietary


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Android Tablet

The program is no longer offered by the company as a separate messenger app. The company is working on a stickers app for Whatsapp and Telegram

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  1.  Support for Themes


  1.  Dark Mode
  2.  Works Offline
  3.  Encrypted Chat
  4.  Video Calling
  5.  Hidden chat
  6.  Password protection
  7.  Push to talk
  8.  Voice messages
  9.  Stickers

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Hike Messenger information

  • Developed by

    Hike Messenger Limited
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    12 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about Hike Messenger, and it has gotten 10 likes

Hike Messenger was added to AlternativeTo by jyotipatil on Jan 2, 2017 and this page was last updated Oct 27, 2021. Hike Messenger is sometimes referred to as Hike Sticker Chat, Hike.

Comments and Reviews

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CommentDec 8, 2014

hike is a good alternative to whatsapp for Indians. Non-Indians can also use this app but its sticker store contains stickers in Tamil, Telugu and a lot of local Indian languages that can annoy you :D In short, this messenger is made for Indians but you can give it a try.


What is Hike Messenger?

A messenger, made with <3 in India

PRIVACY: With hike messenger say goodbye to stalkers! From your milk-man to your aunts to that creepy guy in college; you don't want them to be seeing your profile picture, last seen and status update, do you? Switch to hike and take charge of your privacy!

STICKERS: Now send some amazing stickers on hike. Express yourself in a whole new cool way!

HIDDEN MODE: An awesome new hike privacy feature which allows you to hide the chats that you want to keep private from the world and access them only with a password! No one except you can read them anymore \o/

SHARING MEDIA IS EASY: You can share photos, prerecorded videos from your gallery, location, contacts, walkie-talkie voice messages and much more on hike!

CHAT THEMES: Everyone has backgrounds. We have 2-way themes! When you change the chat theme, it changes for your friends too! Let's add more character to messaging, shall we?

FREE HIKE2SMS TO INDIA: We've also built in FREE hike to non-hike SMS. So if your friends aren't on hike you can still message them. And better yet, for free! Free SMS can only be sent to India.

HIKE TO OFFLINE: Unable to message friends because they're not online? Don't worry! Hike does the hard work to figure out if your friends are offline and then sends them your messages as an SMS, at no cost to you. When they reply, you get the message in hike!

1000 PERSON GROUP CHAT: Create groups with up to 1000 members so you can easily stay in touch with those who matter most!

BLACK THEME: Battery friendly and less of a strain on the eyes, black theme makes it easy to hike at night.

FORWARD TO MULTIPLE FRIENDS: Ever wished to send one particular message, picture or video to many friends at one time? Consider your wish granted :) 

HIDE CONTENT PREVIEW IN NOTIFICATION: An advanced privacy feature giving you the ability to hide content from the push notification.

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