This tool imitates the 7.1 to binaural sound effect of many surround virtualizations by making use of Equalizer APO's convolution filter. Available are impulse response that were recorded with activated...
– Dolby Atmos Headphone
– SBX Pro Studio Surround (also found in BlasterX Acoustic Engine & THX TruStudio Pro)
– Dolby Headphone
– Sennheiser GSX Binaural 7.1
– DTS Headphone:X
– Windows Sonic Headphone
– Dolby Home Theater v4 Headphone Surround Virtualizer
– Razer Surround
– Out Of Your Head
– Flux HEar V3
– OpenAL and DirectSound3D HRTFs
– Waves Nx
– and many more!
Visit the wiki for more information on how it works and how to set up:
A little demonstration video can be found here:
Equalizer APO by Jonas Thedering has to be installed first:
many different headphone surround impulse responses
powerful graphic equalizer
equalizer presets for over 1000 popular headphones
use multiple devices on one sound card
extensive control over different volume levels
apply and save the processing onto your audio files
fully configurable crossfeed
quickly save & load profiles, even through hotkeys
supports command line parameters for all options
rearrange the virtual speakers' positions
intelligent stereo upmix
portable installation with easy one-click updater