Hacko: Outdoor Hacking Simulator icon
Hacko: Outdoor Hacking Simulator icon

Hacko: Outdoor Hacking Simulator


Geolocation-based hacking simulation game with elements of strategy. Player is a hacker who compiles viruses, upgrades hacking hardware, infects and hacks network nodes that appear on the map.

Hacko: Outdoor Hacking Simulator screenshot 1
Hacko: Outdoor Hacking Simulator screenshot 2
Hacko: Outdoor Hacking Simulator screenshot 3

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application type


  • Android

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  1.  Single player

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Hacko: Outdoor Hacking Simulator information

  • Developed by

    Walking Gatos
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    4 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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GamesTravel & Location

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Hacko: Outdoor Hacking Simulator was added to AlternativeTo by zakgof on Aug 29, 2018 and this page was last updated Nov 12, 2021.
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What is Hacko: Outdoor Hacking Simulator?

Hacko is an outdoor hacking simulation game.

It's geolocation-based: to hack network nodes you'll have to approach them by feet as you see them on the local map.

As a hacker, you'll have to plan your operations. Compile some viruses using various components (add some exploits to target more more or some stealth features to make sure your virus will stay uncovered for longer).

With the viruses ready, go outside to infect the network nodes making them parts of your botnet.

Nodes have valuable assets protected by encryption. Even when you infected a node, you still need to hack the encryption to steal the assets. This is where your botnet power comes in handy.

Use the assets from hacked nodes and script pieces collected in the street to build more powerful viruses to hack more advanced nodes - and the whole network will soon be yours.

Have fun !

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