Grainery is a place to share, learn, and collaborate for analog photographers. We hope that everything feels familiar, but there's a few film specific features to help you get the most out of the platform. Lets show you around quickly and get you up and running.
The Home screen is where you'll start off. Of course it has your feed for those you follow as well as navigation options for getting around. The hope is everything from Explore, Messages, Profile, and Notifications pages feels familiar. There's also a search bar with some extra features film features we'll discuss later.
When you first get to your profile page you'll be greeted by a prompt to add gear to your profile. You will not be able to post until you add at least one camera, one lens, and one film stock to your profile. This is because each post is required to have these three items of metadata attached to them. That way as more posts are added it creates an indexable database to search from. Click on one of the buttons to be taken to the Add Gear page.
We're going to add a film stock so we can start by selecting Film from the dropdown menu.
Once you start typing suggestions will pop up for you based on what other users have already added. If you see the one you want, click on it and hit Submit to add it to your gear. If you don't see the gear you want listed simply enter the whole name and hit submit to add it as a new option. Once you've got at least one piece of gear set for each of the three types you're ready to start posting.