GPTZero Alternatives
GPTZero is described as 'For academic integrity, we've adopted a premium model specifically trained to identify AI-authored essays masquerading as student writing' and is an app. There are three alternatives to GPTZero for a variety of platforms, including Web-based, Android, iPhone, Android Tablet and iPad apps. The best GPTZero alternative is AIDetectPlus. It's not free, so if you're looking for a free alternative, you could try AI Checker.
- Paid • Proprietary
- 17 AIDetectPlus alternatives
Only AI detector and humanizer that works with essays, blogs, and papers with specialized tools for students, teachers, professors, and marketers. Best part - one-time payment, your credits never expire!.
AIDetectPlus VS GPTZero
Is AIDetectPlus a good alternative to GPTZero? - 17 AI Detector: Zero Generated alternatives
AI Detector is the perfect tool for content creators who want to ensure their content is authentic, as well as for students and teachers who want to stay ahead of the game. With AI Detector you can avoid being penalized by social media and search engines.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
- Mac
- Android
- iPhone
- iPad
- Android Tablet
AI Detector: Zero Generated Features
- AI-Powered
- AI Detector
AI Detector: Zero Generated VS GPTZero
Is this a good alternative to GPTZero? - 5 AI Checker alternatives
AI Checker can identify AI-generated content in various texts. It classifies into 5 levels: completely human-written, mostly human-written, mixed, mostly AI-written, and completely AI-written.
AI Checker VS GPTZero
Is AI Checker a good alternative to GPTZero?